PITCH In decades past Blackwall stood as the Western Shield of the Skylarkian Empire, today it is little more than a retirement home for soldiers and guards well past their prime. The Nightmares which shambled forth perpetually from the accursed Blightwood have abated almost entirely leaving the once well maintained forts in varying degrees of ruin. It is here where our story begins, as in recent months a murderer has been stalking the alleys and shadows of Blackwall, preying on the Innocent. With the guards preoccupied due to a mysterious guest of the Mayor and the staring eyes of great beasts looming through the forest at night, who will stand to protect the people from this menagerie of horror. INTRODUCTION Hi, Im West. An experienced DM with a master class vision for storytelling and I intend to start a new short term campaign telling as unique a story as I can and I need players. My breakup is 50% Roleplay / 25% Exploration / 25% Combat; With most combat encounters being either story related or sought out/instigated by the PCs. All Books allowed. UA Allowed with my permission. All races / Classes / Backgrounds / Alignments allowed. Multiclassing allowed. One bonus starting feat. Stats rolled [4d6 drop the lowest 7 times and drop the lowest, assign to stats]. HP rolled. Starting level is 3. Your characters get 50 bonus starting gold. PCs gain a single selective expertise which will be explained at session 0. Starting : This Sunday Days : Sunday 8pm EST [If I get a ton of signups I MAY consider hosting another campaign on Saturday at 8Pm Est] Campaign length : 1 month should be the expectation, if you cant make it to all sessions dont sign up. Will be from levels 3 to 5. Using : Roll20 and Discord BASE REQUIREMENTS : Fluency in English, A working MIC AND HEADSET, Discord installed, A Roll20 account, A desire to place storytelling befor EVERYTHING else. What you need in your reply : ⦁ Character Race/Class/Background/Alignment [Example - Orc/Barbarian/Folk Hero/CG] [If you are fine with anything say so] ⦁ Your experience [Example - New player just starting out / Forever DM looking for a home] ⦁ Days available [Saturday / Sunday / Both] ⦁ Your vision for the game [Example - My own vision for the game is to bring these characters to life and treat this world as if it is real; I want you to feel as though your own PC can BREATH. Secondly I want to tell a unique story unlike anything my players have ever or will ever have told or experience; And finally I want my players to feel like they are in the drivers seat of the action and pacing, I want them to have meaningful divergent decision making placed at the forefront of their gametime] ⦁ Things you hate most about playing [Example - Rules lawyers, steamrollers, murderhobos, Dictator DMs, Railroading] ⦁ Things you love most about playing [Exploration, Combat, Roleplay] ⦁ Extras [Example - I have excellent annunciation and create unique voices for my character] I will take the next few days to form the best group I can from the replies.