Sent this morning, and responded to by Green Ronin shortly after:
I'm a premium subscriber on Roll20, I have purchased many of your books - Dragon Age, Fantasy Age, Titansgrave, Mutants & Mastermind. My friends and I are in dire need of love on Roll20 for your products. Complete compendiums, self-managing character sheets, and other content (i.e. maps, tokens, adventures, etc). We are a growing community, and with COVID keeping us out of our local gaming stores are growing ever more on Roll20. Newcomers to your games on Roll20 need a new, user-friendly way to learn your systems and settings. What can your fans do to help encourage this?!
Their response just now
Hi Cory,
As a matter of fact, that's something we've been working on for the last few months! We've got several things we're trying to prioritize first, like character sheets and tokens, but GM support for charts and tables, adventures, and possibly some books will be coming as well.
Right now the biggest hurdle is the time it takes to convert and make that content available (a single book or adventure takes hundreds of work-hours, and we don't have the ability to dedicate a full time staff member at the moment). Roll20 used to offer this service themselves for a fee, but as you mentioned, with the ongoing pandemic, they've been very very busy lately. Still though, we have some options available to us, and we fully intend to try and make a lot of our products available.
Thanks for writing in and letting us know about your interest!
Thank you,
Dylan Templar
Green Ronin Customer Service