I've run into a mind-block in what elements of building a roll need to be added in what order to do a simple/complex thing. It's probably easy, but I'm just not seeing it. Your help is appreciated. Situation: I'm using Roll20 to Solo play/build some scenarios and old modules. One of the mechanics uses a simple query that is modified. I've got 2 tables that I want to make into a single macro that asks the Likeness of the outcome, rolls, and returns the answer preferably also giving the d20 roll. My first table Likeliness --> Modifier Impossible --> -6 Highly Unlikely --> -4 Unlikely --> -2 Possible --> 0 Likely --> +2 Highly Likely --> +4 A Certainty --> +6 My second table (The Q/A table) d20 --> Result 1-6 --> No 7-12 --> Maybe 13-20 --> Yes