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Copying Art Library items to the Journal tab.

Moving files and folders from your Art Library (such as purchased marketplace spells) to my Journal (for players and DM) is a tedious process of duplication.  This would be a good basic or even Pro feature to have, as it would encourage buying marketplace items for quick use in the players journals, etc.
Sheet Author
I'm not sure I understand what you are suggesting. The only way images can exist in the journal is as the image on a handout, the avatar/portrait of a character sheet, or as the default token of a character sheet.  You can easily drag something from your art library, whether something you uploaded, or from the marketplace purchases tab of the art library to the table as a token, to a handout, or a character sheet in edit mode.  What would be the advantage of having the art library content already assigned to character sheets or handouts?  It seems like that would create a huge amount of clutter in the journal.

Edited 1604166401
Gotcha -  So if for example I purchased spell art and I want the players to have access to the various templates (fireball, thunderwave, area spells, etc) to put down and use during the game, they need this in their journal as players can not access my art library.  To do this; I will need to create a character sheet under Journal, name it the spell, jump over to my art library and find the spell, drop it on the game board, make sure the spell token is sized appropriately, click to use the selected token (associate) with the character sheet, drag and drop from the Art Library into the avatar picture so the spell will also show on the sidebar when hovering over it, save changes and then go back to the Journal to move/organize it into the "Players Spell" folder in order to avoid the clutter as you mentioned.  This would be done for each spell the party casters use (and optionally the DM) which ends up being a lot.  Not to mention if you have multiple campaigns in Roll20.  Monsters could be another option if during game play you have enough going on in the screen that you explode out your Chat window to another monitor whereby permitting you to stay mostly in the Journal tab of the VTT.  All of this to say, as you can copy within the Art Library to folders, it would be nice if you could copy over to a Journal folder as well..
Marketplace Creator
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