So I tried to upgrade from an Annual Plus subscription to a Monthly Pro subscription. The account screen gives this error: I get why it does this. No method for handling the different account types, the remaining annual balance, results in a credit, etc. But after 24 hours waiting on support, I'm growing impatient. I gather from searching other posts that it is common to wait many days, even weeks, for help from Roll20, but I haven't needed support in my 5+ years as a subscriber, so it never bothered me. Anyway, that's not actually the question. Does anyone know if I cancel my account (reduce to the Free subscription) will I get a credit on my remaining annual subscription? Or does it simply mean I won't be charged again when the annual sub runs out? I was thinking that if I could trick the system by canceling, then I could re-join with a monthly Pro subscription. Otherwise it seems my only options are to a) wait for Customer Support b) pay for an annual Pro subscription or c) wait for my current annual subscription to expire. I'm open to ideas. Thanks!