Hi All: I am building this campaign now and I am looking for 3 to 4 players. I have one player so far who is someone I game with regularly in my home game. Facts about the game:
We will use the entire Ptolus setting, not only the city.
Level 1 through level 20 combo full sandbox with lots of opportunity to stay on or go off the rails
I want people who consider themselves roleplayers. Please no min-maxers or power gamers. Yes, we will have combat but I am looking for players that will truly play their characters in character. Good voice actors a plus but not required. You dont have to be a pro but try.
Fleshed out backstory appropriate for a level 1 PC.
Core and Advanced Player Guide + Ptolus Player Guide information for PC's only.
Please submit your pitch to gm[dawt]rondor{at}gmail[dawt]com I will send Ptolus Player Guides to the best character pitches.
I am West Coast USA (GMT-7 PDT)
Game day is open for now but no Thursdays or Sundays.
Female roleplayers very welcome. Just like a home, a game can use the female touch. :-)
Game start will be Mid-Late April . If you have questions feel free to ask here and I will do my best to answer asap. Ptolus is a unique place. I hope to get a great group together for this and thanks for your interest.