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Ptolus: The Devils Playground (Pathfinder game looking for 3 players maybe 4)

Hi All: I am building this campaign now and I am looking for 3 to 4 players. I have one player so far who is someone I game with regularly in my home game.  Facts about the game: We will use the entire Ptolus setting, not only the city.  Level 1 through level 20 combo full sandbox with lots of opportunity to stay on or go off the rails I want people who consider themselves roleplayers. Please no min-maxers or power gamers. Yes, we will have combat but I am looking for players that will truly play their characters in character. Good voice actors a plus but not required. You dont have to be a pro but try.  Fleshed out backstory appropriate for a level 1 PC.  Core and Advanced Player Guide + Ptolus Player Guide information for PC's only.  Please submit your pitch to gm[dawt]rondor{at}gmail[dawt]com  I will send Ptolus Player Guides to the best character pitches.  I am West Coast USA (GMT-7 PDT) Game day is open for now but no Thursdays or Sundays.  Female roleplayers very welcome. Just like a home, a game can use the female touch. :-) Game start will be Mid-Late April . If you have questions feel free to ask here and I will do my best to answer asap. Ptolus is a unique place. I hope to get a great group together for this and thanks for your interest. 
Email sent my good sir
Email sent, and while you've listed the time zone, do you have an approximate idea when you'll be available? Even something as general as "evenings/mornings" would be helpful. Thanks!
Email sent
I sent you an email.
Hi Daniel T.  I am thinking evenings....say 7 to 11pm but we could stagger the schedule depending on players. Hope that helps
Hey Chris! I hope it's not too late, but I sent you an e-mail.
not too late. I am still hearing from people. 
Any chance of throwing together a Skype group or equivalent so us prospective adventurers can compare character notes? It may also save you (GM) time answering 5 separate instances of the same question.
We could manage that for sure. We just need a schedule we can all handle. 
I'm available 7pm-1am EST Mon-Thurs. Skype groups have the benefit of recording text chat in case we stagger in during non-gaming hours in 1s and 2s to chat.
oh cool. I have only used skype a few times before. email be your skype addy and I will give you mine as well.
I would be interested in this as well. my availability is MON-WED 7:00 central time - whenever please let me know
Hi Nestor. Your time frame works since it's to whenever. If we started say at 7pm west coast it would be 9pm for you. If thats ok...go ahead and send me your PC Idea.  20 point buy nothing over 18 or under 8 Core, APG & Ptolus player guide only for PC creation. 2 traits starting gold as per core free mundane weapon based on character class free mundane armor per character class free reasonable first level gear as per class flaws are fine but if they are overly broad I will nix them. I prefer specific stuff.  This is about roleplaying a fun, interesting character. Dont powergame.  If you need a Ptolus players guide let me know via email. 
I just emailed you.