Can someone help me out with this question, it seems like it should be simple but I can't wrap my head around the code. Here's a mockup of what I want to be able to do, using the structure from Dark Heresy 1st Edition. The "Basic Skill Roller" is what I'd want displayed to the player, and the Basic Skills I would want hidden away in another section of the page, in a hidden div. (The players would really only need to access most of this detail at level-up) The Basic Skill Roller should be populated by looping through the array of all Basic Skills and retrieving the fields set as attr_basicskillname and attr_basicskilltotal , and display those values. Assuming my fieldset was simplified down to this for Basic Skills, how would I pull the values from the array and print them in a different table in a character sheet, with one record per row? <fieldset class="repeating_basicskills">
<input name="attr_basicskillname" type="text">
<input disabled name="attr_basicskilltotal" type="number" value="100">
</fieldset> Thanks for any assistance in advance!