Hi, Here is a macro for elven accuracy. You can enter your own text and keep or discard the sneak attack section. use the normal D20 result for normal shots use lower of the first two D20s for disadvantage and the highest of the 3 D20s if you have advantage. You need to change the 'to hit' and 'damage' modifiers to suit your character's attributes, or put in suitable references to you character sheet. fairly basic, but it does the trick for now. &{template:default} {{name=your text here}} {{Normal=[[1d20+7]]}} {{Dis/Advantage=[[1d20+7]]}} {{Elven Accuracy=[[1d20+7]]}} {{Normal Damage=[[1d8+5]]  Crit[[1d8]]}} {{Sneak Damage=[[1d6]] Crit[[1d6]]}}