Dear all! There is an issue we realized when playing "Rime of the Frost Maiden". The group was standing right in front of the entrances to the cauldron caves, c.f. the picture I attached below. Some players have night vision and others a light-source and therefore emit light as you can see in the picture. Everything works out fine (in a 2D world) as walls make shadows and restrict the line of sight. But then there are entrances to the cave that are 20 or 30 ft. above the players/tokens. These tunnels also become visible. This is not realistic, as the characters are not 20 or 30 ft. tall ;-) I assume, that the dynamic lightning feature is purely two dimensional and effects due to height differences in the third dimension cannot be taken into account. Is this correct or is the map not set up correctly? As lazy as I am I did not read through all the documentation but preferred to post our question here. Thanks in advance for every answer. Best regards Ulf.