It always returns web search items. You should also be getting results from your purchases, though they usually load last. When I search, the fastest (and top) results will be from my library, and below that web images get displayed. Between those 2 lists are where the marketplace items show, but they take longer to load. I think that is partly because it doesn't just search your purchases, but will also show a few results from the marketplace (if any) that you don't own. So, is it not searching for you at all, or are you not giving it enough time? I guess there is one more thing I will bring up. I'm not sure how the search interacts with how the marketplace creators label their creations. I'm not sure that the title is actually what gets searched, because some of my items don't seem to come up that way. Maybe the label we see is separate from hidden search term identifiers, but I'm not sure how that works since I'm not a marketplace creator to know how all that works. Some items I have don't come up under the search terms I expect to work, so if that is the case for whatever you are searching for, I'm not sure if it is a Roll20 problem or a marketplace creator backend labeling problem (or both somehow).