Hello, thanks in advance for any assistance that can be provided. I'm very, very new to the API Script world, having just upgraded to Pro at the start of the year. Naturally, I think it's awesome and have already implemented several in my games with no issue. However, I do have one particular issue with the 5E OGL Companion API. Via the 5E OGL Companion Spell Slot Tracking, spells that output attack rolls do not auto-deduct a spell splot, whereas spells that output a spellcard do auto-deduct a spell slot. I've got a cleric who is quite the fan of Guiding Bolt and Sacred Weapon, so naturally, this is less than ideal. Perhaps this issue has already been discussed previously and I simply couldn't find the topic, but what solutions could be recommended to make the spell-tracking function more as intended? Are there other Spell Slot tracking API's that I could implement while disbaling the 5e OGL Companion tracking, or is it going to be more complicated than that?