Hello, I've a bit of what seems like a mountainous task, at least if you're me who has never scripted anything themselves. I am aware of the existence of the Drunk API, but both my players and I are big fans of this set of 5E homebrew Drinking rules , which are quite a bit more complex than ones Drunk API is based on. For someone like me, who has no idea what he's doing in regards to anything beyond basic macros without having to ask for help, I am curious if it would be possible to even make something like this. From my understanding, the API would need to be able to perform the following tasks/arguments: — Individually generate a custom 'Intoxication Threshold' by PC, equal to a given PC's Constitution Score +1 — Track a PC's current level of Intoxication, comparing to their Threshold to determine when they gain "Liquid Courage" — Run queries for which strength of drink a PC is consuming (maybe another for number of drinks), and add it to current level of Intoxication — Also force a DC 10 Constitution Save vs unconsciousness for 1d6x10 minutes when consuming the 'Deadly' strength drink — Grant effects of "Liquid Courage" when Intoxication Threshold is reached, prompting a d4 table roll for one of four potential benefits — Implement the rolled benefit, as well as the set drawbacks, in an ideally automatic fashion that is trackable on a PC's token or sheet — Force a Constitution Save of variable DC (8 + drink strength + level of exhaustion) when consuming drinks beyond the PC's Threshold — Add a level of exhaustion on fail, failing by 5 or more prompts a d4 roll for falling unconscious for that many hours — Sync with a Resting API to decrease current levels of intoxication on rest (-2 on short, reset on long) — I currently use 5E Resting in Style — Separately track exhaustion gained manually, and exhaustion gained by drinking (if at all possible) — Recognize a character as "Hungover" when exhaustion from drinking is >0 and current Intoxication is 0 — Implement the drawbacks of being Hungover in an ideally automatic and streamlined fashion that is trackable on a PC's token or sheet — Remove Hungover status after a long rest (or Greater Restoration) — A way to remove levels of intoxication via Restoration spells (4 for Lesser, all for Greater) From the perspective of someone who has never coded a thing in his life, this looks impossible, but, there is definitely trackable math and logic that I'm sure put this somewhere within the realm of possibility. Perhaps this could all be tracked in a Chat-based menu accessed by a command or macro that has a few displays for threshold, current intoxication, and current status effects, with buttons that prompt the drinking queries and deduction of intoxication levels from Restoration spells (and resting if that can't be made dependent on a separate API). I suppose this is also me saying that I do not believe myself capable of creating something like this, as I have none of the know-how to make it happen. But if anyone reading this wants to take a shot at making it work, more power to you, I am happy to be a guinea pig for script testing!