@Aardwulf - Totally agree. @gold Thanks for that feedback and suggestion. I'm not sure that will help me though. Generally speaking, I know what map pack I'm looking for, but since I have several of these which come with as many as 400+ little modular pieces I need to be able to search for the specific piece. I don't think pack level tags or authors will help there. As a case in point, yesterday I was building a spaceport map for one of my games. I was looking through the specific pack I needed, and all I wanted to find was a few plain floor tiles. It took the better part of 45 minutes as I kept scrolling back and forth. I tried searching using the terms "deck plate", "deckplate", "floor plate", "Floor" and "floor". None of these turned up anything in any of my dozens of marketplace purchases (which I find very fishy) and when I ultimately found what I was looking for it was called " DASB Room Section 5 Floor 2x2 ". So, I knew the map pack I wanted, and I knew the artist, I just needed that one piece. The word "Floor" was even in the title. I'd like to see the search functionality pick up that kind of stuff.