Do you want a GroupCheck that will show the SR of the selected group? Or do you want it to roll the caster level check that the caster rolls against the target's SR? If you just want the SR, use this to configure the new check: !group-check-config --add { "Spell Resistance" : { "name" : "Spell Resistance", "formula" : "\[\at{sr}\]"} } If you want the check that opposes SR, use these: !group-check-config --add { "Caster Level Primary" : { "name" : "Caster Level Check Primary", "formula" : "\[d20 + \at{caster1_level}\]"} } !group-check-config --add { "Caster Level Secondary" : { "name" : "Caster Level Check Secondary", "formula" : "\[d20 + \at{caster2_level}\]"} }