EDIT - ninja'd! Aaron's script looks like it will do exactly what you wanted :) The SpawnDefaultToken script can do something like this. With a little setup, it can be used to place several types of tiles as rollable table tokens. Though in looking into this, I realized that multi-token spawns in a grid is bugged for tile sizes greater than 1x1. I'll have to modify that soon to properly place multiple larger tokens. Dang! Anyway, click the animated gif below for one possible application of it. I made a rollable table token with various tiles, and set as default token for a "MapTiles" character. Then added abilities that place grids of the appropriate tiles next to an origin token using the !Spawn script. Ability syntax (for the Water Tile - item #2 in my rollable table): !Spawn {{
--placement|grid [[?{Tile Per Row?|3}]]