Bug: Lines of different widths don't line up flush It's not always possible to line up lines of different widths so that they are flush with each other. In this animated gif, I start with the secret door recessed slightly to the left of the wall. I then use Alt+Right Arrow to move the secret door one tick to the right. The secret door switches from being slightly recessed to jutting out slightly. At no point is it flush with the wall. (animated gif) The walls were created while the grid was set to .1, and then Shift+Click was used to place the walls and doors, so they are straight. The doors were set similarly, so they are perfectly vertical as well. Because vision blocked from the center for lines of all widths in LDL, an imperceptible secret door was trivial to set up correctly, and there were many ways to do it where the best method could be chosen for the situation. Between this and the previous bug where vision and movement are not blocked from the same part of the line, there is now a very narrow set of conditions by which a secret door can be imperceptible to the players, and they don't always work with the map art.