Hello, I am having difficulty getting this string of macros to all function consecutively. The !findres is a the command from a script written by Oosh that searches the resources of a sheet for a given name and then edits it as commanded, and it functions perfectly for its purpose. The trait template syntax is working perfectly as well, pulling from the rollable table, but where I have issue is calling the subsequent macros. I keep getting returned a } I assume this means there's something wrong with my syntax somewhere along the way, so here are the macros I'm using below, in the order in which I'd like them to run, as called with # 6-Drinking !findres --char|sel --name|Intoxication --mod|?{Strength of the drink?|
(1/2) Watered Down,+0|
(2/2) Watered Down,+1|
(1) Weak,+1|
(2) Moderate,+2|
(3) Strong,+3|
(4) Very Strong,+4|
(5) Deadly,+5}
?{Will this drink intoxicate you to meet or exceed your personal threshold? (Enter 'No' if your threshold has already been met or exceeded)|
No, |
Yes,&{template:traits} {{name=Liquid Courage}} {{source=Intoxication for @{selected|character_name}}&#125:{{description=•[[1t[Liquid-Courage]]]
• Disadvantage on WIS & DEX saving throws
• Disadvantage on INT & WIS ability check}}}
?{Has your threshold already been met or exceeded?|
No, |
Yes,#Drinking-DC } Drinking-DC &{template:atkdmg} {{save=1}} {{savedc=[[8+?{Strength of the drink?|(1/2) Watered Down,+0|(2/2) Watered Down,+1|(1) Weak,+1|(2) Moderate,+2|(3) Strong,+3|(4) Very Strong,+4|(5) Deadly,+5}+@{selected|exhaustion_level}]]}} {{savedesc=No exhaustion gained}} {{saveattr=Constitution}}
#Drinking-Con-Save Drinking-Con-Save &{template:simple} {{rname=CON Save vs. Exhaustion}} {{mod=@{selected|constitution_mod}}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{selected|constitution_mod}]]}} @{selected|rtype}+@{selected|constitution_mod}]]}} {{charname=@{selected|character_name}} What confuses me even more is that if I run the Drinking-DC itself, it calls Drinking-Con-Save just fine, but when I try to call them using 6-Drinking, it doesn't work. If you have any insight as to how this can be solved it would be greatly appreciated!