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PF 1.0 Roll20 Sheet - Referencing other character attributes


Edited 1612031399
Roll20's Pathfinder 1.0 sheet, version 1.303 I'm trying to write a simple Watch Order macro to roll everyone's perceptions at once. Char1: ``Perception: [[d20+@{Char1|perception}  ]]`` Char2: ``Perception: [[d20+@{Char2|perception}  ]]`` etc. This works fine for characters with a single name and no spaces.  However any time I try to reference a character wtih a first and last name, it returns a "No character found" error. Char1 ``Perception: [[d20+@{Charfirstname Charlastname|perception}  ]]`` To add confusion to this.  @{Charfirstname Charlastname|character_name} works fine, but not the Perception attribute

Edited 1612033359
Further investigation reveals I can access stats via @{target|attribute}  but not through @{CharacterName|attribute} unless I have edit access to the sheet is there any way to get at the perception bonus of a character other than clicking tokens if you can't open their sheet?
Sheet Author
If you don't have edit permissions, no.  Running a macro that rolls perception for the entire group at once is usually something the person running the game would do, and a GM can pull all the attributes with @{charactername|attribute}.  If you want to set up something that your GM can run, then you should be able to just swap out names and put together a macro from what I have been using.  I have a group skills chat menu set up with perception being one of the options on that menu.  All of the different skills that may be rolled as a group (like appraise, survival, sense motive, etc.) all follow this same basic template: /w gm &{template:pc} {{showchar=[[0]]}} {{charname=}} {{name=Group Perception}} {{type=attackdamage}} {{roll=}} {{descflag=1}} {{desc=**S'werc Soloe (+@{S'wrec Soloe|perception})** [[1d20+@{S'wrec Soloe|perception}]], @{S'wrec Soloe|perception_notes} **Lily (+@{Lily|perception})** [[1d20+@{Lily|perception}]], @{Lily|perception_notes} **Dax (+@{Dax|perception})** [[1d20+@{Dax|perception}]], @{Dax|perception_notes} **Sanos (+@{Sanos|perception})** [[1d20+@{Sanos|perception}]], @{Sanos|perception_notes} **Salazarr (+@{Salazarr Antonio de Oliverira|perception})** [[1d20+@{Salazarr Antonio de Oliverira|perception}]], @{Salazarr Antonio de Oliverira|perception_notes} **Templeton (+@{Templeton|perception})** [[1d20+@{Templeton|perception}]], @{Templeton|perception_notes}}} That will display the character name followed by the perception modifier, then the roll, and finally displaying any notes under that skill.  Ends up looking like this: Our poor paladin is cursed on perception rolls no matter which one of us rolls them....
bleh, that's unfortunate.  I was hoping there was a trick to it since you can do it through @{target|perception}

Edited 1612038690
Sheet Author
No, that is the point of edit permissions is to bar players from in general being able to call roll buttons or attributes from a sheet that they aren't supposed to access.  Target is there for people that will use that for macros that will pull an enemies AC compare the attack roll for easy reference (or similar mechanics).
That seems somewhat illogical, in my opinion.  If nothing prevents you from accessing the value through @{target}, why restrict it by @{character_name}?  You can still access the value regardless. I'm curious what the reasoning is for allowing one and not the other if you can still read the data anyway

Edited 1612047040
Sheet Author
The logic is a GM being able to control the access to stat blocks and roll buttons on a character sheet.  If you have edit access (and permission to call things by the character name), you can trigger roll buttons on the sheet with target.  I don't know about other people that run games, but I don't want a clever player being able to trigger rolls from a sheet to be able to see what effects may be coming, specific bonuses may be built into attacks, skills, etc.  Maybe another question would be better.  Why does a player need easier access to stats on sheets that are not their own?  Why (or in what circumstances) are you needing to roll for your group during a game instead of the GM rolling a hidden group check, or each player rolling their own publicly?
Mostly to assist players having trouble or lagging out, and to help GM's who have too much to focus on already. It's not at all unusual for my particular groups to have someone unable to roll quickly, and we all share responsibilities for things like keeping track of Watches, moving other tokens as needed, etc. without giving full co-gm and the like

Edited 1612050212
Sheet Author
Then the GM might want to consider giving the players that have better internet service/hardware or game knowledge edit permissions to the sheets of players that have connection trouble or need some tutoring.  That would allow you to see the sheet and guide them in how the sheets work, and allow you to make use of the normal attribute call structure for making rolls from those sheets without needing to be promoted to GM.