Then I propose a new set of commands. 1) A whisper between players that can be ONLY seen by intended players - for off topic and secret conversations 2) A whisper that the GM ALSO sees between players, SELECT players who by using this command, instantly include themselves, the GM and any number of " cc'd " players Not a button for the GM to control, I believe that is counter productive. The second choice is player optional. As messages should be. The GM to be listening to character conversations is already done in the open. Don't players deserve a kind of privacy, and don't characters deserve a sense of suspense from what they are about to do? " I don't really understand. Of course, the GM cannot have the NPCs reacting to players intentions (even if he knows them). NPCs can only react to what they know. At most the player's actions (and even then only as the NPC understand them and only to the best of his (NPC) capacities). Assessing the level of knowledge of the NPC and having the NPC react in flawed ways according to his flawed information is one of the basis of gamemastering. Acting otherwise would be gross metagaming on the GM's part." I believe you proved my point here. The GM would be guilty of metagaming from know EVERYTHING. What his players will do before they do it. Even in character, if the plot warrants them to be secretive, isn't the GM suppose to react after the fact. In much the same way the players do as the plot unfolds. NPCs would react to things they shouldn't because no GM is above countering themselves, when given too much knowledge. Case in point. You spend the better part of a weak, preparing a castle for defense, that the players will try to attack and enter. Overhearing their plans in chat, you're saying you would not counter what they plan to do? Why should you know that any other time then AS they are doing it? " Roleplaying is not a wargame between the GM and the players. " I disagree with you here. It's not a war, but it is a competition. You set the stage, the players react. Your plot may unfold in ways you had no idea would come about, that is the player free will. In combat ALL ACTIONS are counter to the GM, who is the enemy. But if your game has no conflicts, then it's just a soap opera, enjoyable probably, and perhaps a good story, but lacking in my opinion. " I don't see how the GM can be thrown for a loop. " GM's are thrown for a loop constantly. If your plot seems to be only resolved in 1 way, and the players break that mold. You are thrown. If you can't resolve their solution, you are thrown. This IS the dynamic of the game no? Players react as their motivations dictate, BUT sometimes often more than not, they are completely unpredictable. So the GM must adapt, and if they can't, then the plot stagnates. " If the players come with a wonderful, perfectly unexpected plan, he just has to congratulate them and have the NPC react as best they would under the circumstances (dying in drove if they have no other solution). It would be a very bad GM to change the situation because of the player's intentions. " But the GM must change the situation in order to adapt to the new situation? Player intention is not always a constant, so the GM cannot also be immovable. If the situation morphs into something completely different, the GM must change not to thwart his players, or merely to thwart them, but to also get them back on course, and to indulge the direction the game is going. " Worst, it would take any interest out of the game. What is the use of presenting the players with a problem to solve if the problem changes each time they find a solution? " I don't believe it would take out interest. Problems don't always have 1 solution, as made clear by this discussion... " Thanks for presenting your opinion in an argumented and civil way." And you're welcome. I have no intention of arguing with you to merely argue with you. Or correct you, I am just trying to give my opinion, respect yours, and discuss our differences... peace out! :D