I plan to run a one-shot game of Call of Cthulhu, using the Dead Light scenario. Since this is a one-shot, this will be a lethal game, and I'll have no qualms about killing off PCs, especially as the scenario begins to reach its conclusion. This is a straight-up horror game, and I will be running it as such. Dead Light uses the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition rules. While the 7e rulebook has not yet been released, you can obtain the Quick Start rules for free from Drive Thru RPG or the Chaosium website . Alternatively, just google it. I think there are at least two results on the first page that let you read the pdf directly online. Use the Quick Start PDF to familiarize yourself with the rules and create a character. I plan to run the game on Thursday, July 10th, after 6pm EDT (exact time to be determined). If you are interested, either PM me or post in this thread. When I have at least 3 players, I will make a game on roll20. Maximum 5 players.