Are you looking for a 5E game for your character to shine? I run solo campaigns completely custom-built for you and your characters. This is a play by post game (PBP), We will sit down and go over exactly what D&amp;D adventuring is with you and I will custom make a world to your specifications. Do you like to role-play more? We will role-play, like combat, grab your favorite weapon and hold on tight, or perhaps a balance between the two? Either way, I'm a relaxed DM that listens and balances games to your specifications.&nbsp; Solo PBP games are $40 per month I usually respond within 24 hours but have an allowed 48-hour window. These requirements can be adjusted depending on customer wants/needs. PBP games usually use discord for chat and roll20 for combat and handouts.&nbsp;&nbsp; No application is needed! Just drop a message below and you are in!!! This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of &lt;$40 per month, Via Pay Pal, &gt;. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Perks in joining my games You gain a consistent on-time gm who always comes prepared.&nbsp;&nbsp; You receive VIP membership access to an exclusive discord community&nbsp; Occasional free games post up in the community for all members to join. Unlimited character sheets and access to my compendium with the ability to add these characters to your character vault for use in other games!&nbsp;&nbsp; Check my Disord out Click on my name, to head to my page, there you can see one of my active PBP's from one of my long-time players! Everyone plays a role in suicide prevention. If you or someone you know are at risk please don't hesitate to send me a pm. There are also several great online resources like&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for your use. Remember that at the end of the day there is no one like you and you are very special.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (Veterans, press 1)