DM Donkey said:
@Jarren K, Gribblies is just a UK way of saying monsters.
Haha I've never heard that one... but I definitely want to homebrew a 'Gribblies' monster now. Something between a Gremlin and Nibbler from Futurama. :)
DM Donkey said:
I did have a duplicate npc, name and everything AND I was using it in the current map. If I searched for "Cambion" it brought back 2 copies, I didn't bother sorting it and just used one of them on the map. Aarons script sorted it out AND I have deleted the copy "Cambion".
Thanks for the confirmation! For anyone else who stumbles upon this issue later, it looks like your initial problem was that you had one "Cambion" (I'll call it Cambion 'A') that you had set to 'public', 'toggle', or 'query' whisper, that you pulled a token out for. In your journal you had another "Cambion" (Cambion 'B') that you had not pulled out any tokens for and was set to 'always whisper'. So even thought you pulled out Cambion 'A', whenever you clicked on the token it was pulling info from Cambion 'B', because it was the most recently created character with the same name.
Once you ran The Aaron's script and updated all the tokens to 'public' whispers, it didn't matter if Cambion 'A' pulled from Cambion 'B', because now both were set to the same settings.
So the other fix for this issue is to make sure you don't have any characters with identical names, or to make sure that any identically named characters have the exact same setups on their sheets.
In my case, I wanted to keep the duplicate characters (because they came from different modules, so sometimes they would have a different token image or something) but I needed a way to distinguish them, so The Aaron was helpful and provided me a scriptlet to append identifiers on the character names.