With Legacy Dynamic Lighting, I could (and did): Give certain tokens dim light that only they could see out to a certain range, effectively what D&D 5e Darkvision should provide (in complete darkness at least). Give certain tokens bright light that only they could see out to a certain range, effectively what D&D 5e Devil's Sight should provide (in complete darkness at least). Legacy Dynamic Lighting is going away because Updated Dynamic Lighting can supposedly do everything the old system did, so does anyone know how I can replicate the differences between Darkvision and Devil's Sight within the Updated Dynamic Lighting system? Searches have suggested that "Night Vision" provides bright light vision in darkness rather than dim light vision, at least as of a couple of months ago. Is this still the case? I don't notice anything in the documentation on token settings that suggests there can be some tokens which have dim night vision while others have bright night vision. I no longer have a Plus or Pro account so running my own tests is a little difficult right now, but I'm trying to make some vision macros for a friend's game and any help concerning how to achieve the very distinctive difference between Darkvision and Devil's Sight would be much appreciated.