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D'Ashe Manor - IC 04/09 - 14/09 1359


Edited 1615414363
(OOC catching up on this week's RP - it's another long one from me as it's inspiring to read your posts!) ________________________________________________________________________________________ With the two weeks of rest, Syrus decided to spend one of the weeks crafting new scrolls ready for the party’s next adventure - this skill turned out very handy in times of need! (5x new lvl1 scrolls @25gp each = 125gp) The other week he decided to spend it learning from the Herbalists again - he was now well on his way to being able to start creating Healing Potions! And this time around he was able to charm the timid scholars into listening to his latest hit&nbsp; Song of the Reluctant Lovers , which made them all blush! Returning exhausted to the manor after another busy day of learning, Syrus lay on this bed to relax. However, all the drama that went on inside the Forge swam round and round inside his head. He was soooo excited and inspired by what he had witnessed there, he hastily sprang off his bed, grabbed his journal, and started feverishly to write the first draft of what would be&nbsp; The Song of Consent .&nbsp; In his crazy haze of creativity, Syrus heard a faint knock on his door. It was his pal ‘Ras, with a surprise gift!! Holding in his rough, callused hands was a set of new leather armour made in chocolate coloured leather with studs in a matt, brushed gold. On closer inspection, Syrus could see small musical notes engraved into the studs here and there. It was obvious that time and love have been spent on crafting this set of armor.&nbsp; (If Syrus did not have such exquisite tastes, he could describe it as a thing of beauty.) He was very moved by Erasmus’s sincerity and thoughtfulness - no one has even handmade something for him out of their own will and generosity before.&nbsp; Hiding the tears that were welling up, Syrus flicked his shiny locks and muttered, &nbsp; “Well, it’s about time you gave me a present! Let’s see if it will fit, it does look a bit small though, and the gold studs could do with a bit of polishing...” Of course, it was a&nbsp; PERFECT &nbsp;fit. Syrus tried on his&nbsp; Cloak of Billowing &nbsp;over the new armor and the outfit looked swell - the chocolate brown leather and the deep red of the cloak off-set each other beautifully. He&nbsp; LOVED &nbsp;how it all looked. “Well, it will do. Seems like there remains some talent in the old monk’s hands still, and I don’t just mean in the bedroom chambers!”&nbsp; He winked ;) At that moment, there was some commotion outside in the corridor: people were rushing towards the Main Hall with great excitement... “What’s going on, ‘Ras? Where are all these people going?” “I don’t know…” &nbsp;Erasmus replied,&nbsp; “…think some other bard has arrived to perform for Norrin and Barbara?” “...Say,&nbsp; WHAT??!!! ” &nbsp; Syrus nudged Erasmus out the way and walk out of his room, slamming the door behind him. He puffed out his chest as he flicked his hair again, then strode down the corridor with his head held high towards the Main Hall.&nbsp; The Main Hall was crowded with people as Norrin introduced Joriun Whitefeather to perform for them. As he sang, Syrus could not help but feel a little envious as the audience stood mesmerised by his beautiful calm notes and lyrically intelligent words that filled the air.&nbsp; Although Jokien’s performance was classical in both melody and wording, with&nbsp; VERY &nbsp;accurate historical references&nbsp; (some may the term his songs “old” or “old-fashioned”...) &nbsp;- BUT where were all the drama and flair, the sparkle and glitter that are needed to entertain the lives of ordinary people, especially in these dangerous times of Ogres Wives and White Dragons? As Jolyruin finally finished the song to the sound of applause echoing around the chamber, Syrus caught Norrin’s eyes and he beckoned Syrus forward to introduce him.&nbsp; Norrin spoke of the famed history of this bard Joeyrun, and as words such as&nbsp; “influential” ,&nbsp; “renowned” , and&nbsp; “admired” &nbsp;were said, all Syrus could think of was why Norrin and Babs did not ask him to perform for them instead?&nbsp; (Some may wrongly mistake Syrus’ confusion as jealousy ) When Norrin finished his introduction, Syrus bowed to the new guest.&nbsp; “Sir Norrin, following the performance of this (er-hem) song, can I offer one of my own?” &nbsp; Without waiting for an answer, Syrus took the stage, with his&nbsp; Cloak of Billowing &nbsp;beginning to flap around behind him… ** “BLAND FACE” by Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls ** (Imagine sang to the music of Taylor Swift’s &nbsp; Blank Space :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) Nice to meet you, what’s your name? Sir Norrin said incredible things Shiny hair, toothy grin Saw you there and I thought “Oh my God, look at that face” “You look like a potato cake” Staying here? Big Mistake! Lotta money, suit and tie But you smell like some bad cheese Ain’t it funny, my jokes fly I’m sure you’ve heard all about me Be civil? That depends I’m dying to see how this one ends Readied my sword and my Mage Hand I can make your head ache for the whole weekend If you plan to stay forever Your wardrobe will go down in flames Your reign will soon be over, mmm As I’m here to claim your fame Got a list of catchy numbers Whereas your songs sound the same ‘Cause you know unlike other players I’ll slay this game! ‘Cause I am young and rather reckless Not scared to take this way to far My words will leave you breathless, mmm Or even a psychic scar With my scrolls of Dissonant Whispers I can drive you insane I still got a spell slot, baby And it has your name ;)
The gnarled Dwarf listens to the human as they toil. No doubt about it, he’s a worker and skilful enough for his kind, brave too. Fraener has learned to keep his own council through the many decades of his exile, but fighting alongside a man forms a bond. Each of his new companions has put their life on the line to help him reclaim his ancestral home. He owes them. He mops his brow, looking up into the Monk’s lined face. “Khundrakar and before it Carak Nur is the home of my people. I say is because the stone is still in our bones and for us our faith is the same. We do not get to choose our Gods as you humans do. We are forged on the anvil of Moradin. His very breath is our soul.&nbsp; My temple is my forge. My work my worship. My hammer and anvil the symbols of my devotion.... It is the same with my home. It is part of me and I can not be complete until it once more thrives.” He shrugs his massive shoulders.&nbsp; “Now let’s get a beer and you can introduce me properly to that lady who loves the bones of you.” Tim M. said: While Erasmus is working on the armour for Syrus, he spends a little time with Fraener talking about their respective journeys to their current circumstance, along with some inquiring into the dwarf's faith.&nbsp; "I was never really very religious before joining the Monastery. Sure, I believe in the gods, but worship wasn't something I went in for. The monks at the Monastery showed me a path, through dedicated toil and meditation.&nbsp; "I believe I am a strange case for the Order. Usually only children, orphans, we're chosen to join. I do not know why I was invited to stay, but after the sacking of Robden, I was cared for at the Monastery. I have not been a child for many years, but I suppose the Masters saw some potential in me. Grandmaster Cantoule and I are very similar in age, I think. It is strange that someone as young as he should be elevated to Grandmaster, and strange that someone as old as I be initiated,.but we are where we are. "I'm sorry, my friend; I'm rambling. Won't you tell me of your path to Moradrin's divine grace? Your magicks are wonderful, and your skill with hammer and tongs is exemplary! As one craftsman to another, I truly admire the form of your work; even if its function does not suit my personal preference. "Also, what are your hopes for Khundrakar? I do not know much of its history, just snippets from Tenho and a few books. Do you plan on bringing dwarven settlements in the area under the rule of the throne? Or are you wishing to simply build your own estate and trade interdependently with the existing holds?"

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Kenny H. said: When Norrin finished his introduction, Syrus bowed to the new guest.&nbsp; “Sir Norrin, following the performance of this (er-hem) song, can I offer one of my own?” &nbsp; Without waiting for an answer, Syrus took the stage, with his&nbsp; Cloak of Billowing &nbsp;beginning to flap around behind him… ** “BLAND FACE” by Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls ** (Imagine sang to the music of Taylor Swift’s &nbsp; Blank Space :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) Nice to meet you, what’s your name? Sir Norrin said incredible things Shiny hair, toothy grin Saw you there and I thought “Oh my God, look at that face” “You look like a potato cake” Staying here? Big Mistake! Lotta money, suit and tie But you smell like some bad cheese Ain’t it funny, my jokes fly I’m sure you’ve heard all about me Be civil? That depends I’m dying to see how this one ends Readied my sword and my Mage Hand I can make your head ache for the whole weekend If you plan to stay forever Your wardrobe will go down in flames Your reign will soon be over, mmm As I’m here to claim your fame Got a list of catchy numbers Whereas your songs sound the same ‘Cause you know unlike other players I’ll slay this game! ‘Cause I am young and rather reckless Not scared to take this way to far My words will leave you breathless, mmm Or even a psychic scar With my scrolls of Dissonant Whispers I can drive you insane I still got a spell slot, baby And it has your name ;) Joriun Whitefeather listens equably to the performance, smiling. He joins in the applause. "Bravo! Bravo!" The older man comes over to Syrus afterwards. "Let me buy you a goblet of good wine. And in return you shall tell me more of the white dragon you and your band faced so nobly." Joriun Whitefeather
“Mirna Norsdottir, you and your people do me great honour. It is many years since my heart has been in the home of the Hearth Mother.&nbsp; I am a smith not a warrior. I seek no holy war. It is my wish to build a lasting place of peace where my folks and my neighbors can thrive. A home where order,&nbsp; industry and the simple goodness of my people can flourish.&nbsp; I will relight the forge of my forefathers if Moradin wills it. I will, with the help of my friends, drive the evil from Khundrakar. But I do not do it for glory. I do it for those of my folk who would build something secure, lasting and worthwhile with me.&nbsp; Good lady. I have nothing to offer you but hope. I have no right to ask for your help in this endeavour. But as Moradin is stronger with Berronar at his side. So too could my efforts be made greater if you were to join with me. Silver with steel. “ His big ugly face positively shines with honest enthusiasm. He has told her the truth. What she makes of it is in the hands of the Dwarfvater.&nbsp; Simon N. said: Fraener swiftly receives back an invitation from Mirna Norsdottir to visit Dwarfstead. Arriving with his men, Fraener finds it to be a rough and ready farming village of 200 or so, with a ditch and wood palisade atop square-cut stone. Mirna's longhouse is a humble hall by dwarf standards, the axe of Moradin surmounted by the silver rings of Berronar Truesilver above the entryway. After a substantial feast of lamb, rabbit and deer with turnip mash, Mirna gets down to business. "Son of Durgeddin, who wears Durgeddin's steel. Know that my people are those who fled Carak Nur when it fell. Who would not follow Durgeddin the Black into the mountains once more. What we have we hold - but we are done with holy wars." Chris T. said: Mirna sounds like the perfect starting point. Fraener will compose a respectful letter of introduction. Requesting an audience at her convenience and outlining his current efforts in and hopes &nbsp;for&nbsp; Khundrakar. Simon N. said: Torag Toragson - hard drinking/fighting/wenching founder of well fortified Torag's Hold, which controls the nearby dwarf mines. Got on well with Gurzun. Often visits D'Ashe Manor for trade and fun. Mirna Norsdottir - dwarf paladin of Berronar, dwarf goddess of the hearth &amp; wife of Moradin. The Dwarfstead dwarves are shepherds, hunters and farmers who keep to themselves. Kaern - human mine boss with stockaded hold on the edge of Stoneheart Vale, tough warrior. Said to deal with the goblinoids of the Vale as often as fight them, and to hold slaves traded from Goblin Town.&nbsp; None are married or have known children. The Dwarfstead dwarves are descended from survivors of the fall of Carak Nur (and so are related to Fraener &amp; his followers), Torag and his followers came to the region more recently, but he has recruited some Dwarfstead dwarves bored with the peaceful farming life. &nbsp; Chris T. said: Fraener and his huscarls want to discreetly find out what they can about the following people. They will spend 40GP on drinks etc. between them.&nbsp; Torag Toragson Mirna Norsdotter Kaern&nbsp; Dwarf Miners.&nbsp; Torag Toragson Mirna Norsdotter Kaern&nbsp; The Dwarf Miners around the area of the Lost Halls. M
"T'was the Lady Barbara who hired the minstrel, good Syrus!" Norrin says jovially. "While you are an exemplary tunesmith, you were otherwise indisposed, helping clear out the Fallen Halls of Khundrakar." He laughs in response to Syrus' song, honoured that he warrants a mention. While the two bards talk, Norrin wanders away and looks around the bustling taproom, glad to see life returning to the old place. Barbara is an exceptional hostess, making everyone feel well at home, and no one's mug goes dry for overly long. The girls are busy flirting with the travellers, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Well and good; Norrin is glad that Barbara can handle things on her own and generally leaves him out of the day-to-day business of running the festhall. He can see the big picture, but the smaller details just confound him. Just as he doesn't go into too many details about the business he conducts with his friends -- dealing death at the end of three feet of sharpened steel and carving a name for himself across southern Damara. In that, they seem to have come to an agreement: don't ask, don't tell. The next day, they manage to find some alone time together, and walk hand-in-hand across the fields just outside of the Hall. A comfortable silence settles between them, as if they already know each other's innermost thoughts. Norrin breaks the silence. "Things are progressing nicely with the festhall," he says. "Yes," Barbara replies. "The girls seem happier now and we've managed to stop bleeding money. Gurzun didn't do a very good job with the books. I've found a lot of discrepancies, which I will remedy." "Good!" Norrin says. "And with Fraener and his folk returning to their home, there will be a steady source of income from the miners. Miners always have money to spend, and aren't shy about it. Have you thought about hiring some dwarven lasses? That will draw them in even more. Once the forges are fired up, there will also be a steady stream of dwarven-forged goods flowing from there. Perhaps we can become a mercantile outlet for them. For a percentage of the sale price, of course." She stops and stares at him open-mouthed. "You never cease to amaze me, Norrin," she says breathlessly, and stands on her toes to kiss him.
Erasmus and Fraener sit in the main hall of the manor drinking ale with Jyrdani. Fraener laughs heartily as she can clearly hold her drink better than the monk. "Hey," Erasmus says with the start of a slur coming into his voice. "You said there was a ladder going into a hole, right? It's fixed to the wall, yeah? Think you could detach a section, perhaps? Maybe go down 50, 60 feet, hic , cut the supports, remove a few rungs? Won't stop duergar if that's where they're coming from for good, but it may give you time to fashion something a little more permanent." An hour or more passes with freely flowing ale. Jyrdani impresses Fraener still, while Erasmus has started sinking further into his chair and rambling. "Ahm no' drunk." he mumbles. " hic " Jyrdani regales Fraener of some of the adventures the party have had together, until suddenly, Erasmus leaps from his chair, apparently stone-cold sober. "You'll not take her!" He yells, drawing surprised glances from around the room as all conversation ends abruptly. "You'll have to go through me and I will kill you before you lay a finger on a single hair of her!" He is looking fiercely and intently in Fraener's direction, but the dwarf notices that he is not being looked at , and his initial concern is abated. Erasmus is, apparently, shouting at air. "Come, you filthy beasts, I'll kill you all!" Erasmus grabs his tankard from the table and starts swinging wildly at nothing. All poise and grace that he usually displays in combat is gone. This is a man fighting ghosts and punching shadows. His chair tumbles, he staggers and knocks a table over, spilling drinks and sending one of the festhall girls, who had been perched on the edge, sprawling. The new guards glance at each other on the balcony overlooking the hall, nervously fingering their heavy crossbows. Norrin signals them to stand down, but they remain readied in case things go much further south. Jyrdani stands and approaches cautiously, staying out of reach of the flailing arms of her lover. "Hey," she says calmly, "You okay?" His head snaps and looks straight at her with wild, unblinking eyes. His hands are held up in a defensive stance, but not an effective one. His breathing is shallow and rapid.&nbsp; "Hey," Jyrdani repeats, as she reaches out and touches his hands. He flinches, but she perseveres, taking his hands in hers and moving closer now the danger of getting punched appears to have passed. "It's ok, my love. There is nothing here to hurt you." Her voice is quiet and calming, but it is the only sound in the room other than the almost panting breath of the man in front of her. "We're safe here," Jyrdani continues, "No one is coming for me. There is no one to fight." Erasmus blinks and the frantic look in his eyes fades as he focusses on the woman in front of him. He softens, his arms slacken, his shoulders droop. He lets out a deep sigh and leans forward, letting his head rest on Jyrdani's shoulder. She wraps her arms around him in a warm, protective embrace. She looks up and her eyes meet with Barbara's across the room. She looks angry at the disturbance and Jyrdani mouths " Sorry. " She reaches up and puts her hand on the back of Erasmus's head and whispers in his ear, "Let's get you to bed." before leading the deflated monk upstairs to their chamber. Laying him on the bed, she brushes his hair from his face and he looks up into her eyes. "I... love you..." he says weakly. She smiles, his eyes close, and she leaves him to sleep while she goes to help tidy up the mess that has been&nbsp; made downstairs. As the door latch snaps shut, she fails to hear the final word muttered before sleep takes his consciousness. "Isawyn."
OOC Rolling Persuasion w Guidance I get 15 for Fraener. Mirna listens seriously. "We will be glad to supply your Hall with food, with wool... but we will not send warriors to fight for you. We defend only our own walls. This is our way now - this is how we have survived." She pours Fraener and herself more mead. "If you are in need of warriors, some of Torag's men may feel differently. And to the south, low-born Flint Rockwood has staked a claim in Silver Vale. He is hard pressed by the Orcs, I hear. They have a demon. A great ape-thing." She smiles slightly. "There is mithril in his mine - not as much as the humans have at Mistwood Mine, but enough for some fine weapons and armour, I think." Chris T. said: “Mirna Norsdottir, you and your people do me great honour. It is many years since my heart has been in the home of the Hearth Mother.&nbsp; I am a smith not a warrior. I seek no holy war. It is my wish to build a lasting place of peace where my folks and my neighbors can thrive. A home where order,&nbsp; industry and the simple goodness of my people can flourish.&nbsp; I will relight the forge of my forefathers if Moradin wills it. I will, with the help of my friends, drive the evil from Khundrakar. But I do not do it for glory. I do it for those of my folk who would build something secure, lasting and worthwhile with me.&nbsp; Good lady. I have nothing to offer you but hope. I have no right to ask for your help in this endeavour. But as Moradin is stronger with Berronar at his side. So too could my efforts be made greater if you were to join with me. Silver with steel. “ His big ugly face positively shines with honest enthusiasm. He has told her the truth. What she makes of it is in the hands of the Dwarfvater.&nbsp;
Geoff said: &nbsp;Have you thought about hiring some dwarven lasses? That will draw them in even more. GM: Well these are 1e AD&amp;D style dwarves - per Gygax, they tend to lust after beardless human women. :D Think of Alberich in Wagner's Ring Saga, or the dwarven smiths who lusted after Freya in Norse myth. They tend to think 'human maids for nookie, dwarf maids for marriage'. I'm sure there are exceptions though!
"Sir Norrin and Lady Barbara it seems this room here in the Festhall is getting too crowded so I'm thinking to move out from the manor when we get more riches from the dwarven forges"&nbsp; "There is an abandoned farm on the southeast of D'Ashe Manor where I plan to build a home for me and 'The Ladies', but as it's under Lady Barbara's domain, I wish for permission to build on the farmland when I acquire the necessary funds."&nbsp; &nbsp;
WhiteValyrian said: "Sir Norrin and Lady Barbara it seems this room here in the Festhall is getting too crowded so I'm thinking to move out from the manor when we get more riches from the dwarven forges"&nbsp; "There is an abandoned farm on the southeast of D'Ashe Manor where I plan to build a home for me and 'The Ladies', but as it's under Lady Barbara's domain, I wish for permission to build on the farmland when I acquire the necessary funds."&nbsp; &nbsp; Barbara smiles warmly in response. "That is an excellent notion, Prince Strohm. I gladly grant you this permission." Barbara may be particularly happy at the thought of Strohm &amp; his harem no longer taking up one of the best rooms on the Manor's lower floor!
Simon N. said: WhiteValyrian said: "Sir Norrin and Lady Barbara it seems this room here in the Festhall is getting too crowded so I'm thinking to move out from the manor when we get more riches from the dwarven forges"&nbsp; "There is an abandoned farm on the southeast of D'Ashe Manor where I plan to build a home for me and 'The Ladies', but as it's under Lady Barbara's domain, I wish for permission to build on the farmland when I acquire the necessary funds."&nbsp; &nbsp; Barbara smiles warmly in response. "That is an excellent notion, Prince Strohm. I gladly grant you this permission." Barbara may be particularly happy at the thought of Strohm &amp; his harem no longer taking up one of the best rooms on the Manor's lower floor! Grinning broadly, Norrin clasps Strohm's arm firmly. "Welcome to the joys of land ownership, Strohm!" he says. Ever since reclaiming D'Ashe Manor, he's wanted nothing more than for the lands around the festhall to be re-settled and to become productive once again. In time, perhaps a small village will spring up, with a smithy and an ox-mill or windmill for the grain. He looks to Hommlet as an example -- Rufus and Byrne have done well for themselves, and set a good precedent.
The morning after Erasmus's outburst the previous night, he approaches Barbara in the morning. "I apologise for the commotion last night; Jyrdani told me what happened. I will, of course, pay for any damages. I will also be staying off the ale for a while. Tell me what I owe, please."

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Tim M. said: The morning after Erasmus's outburst the previous night, he approaches Barbara in the morning. "I apologise for the commotion last night; Jyrdani told me what happened. I will, of course, pay for any damages. I will also be staying off the ale for a while. Tell me what I owe, please." In the dining room where Barbara does her accounts and daily business, she regards Erasmus with raised eyebrow. "It's quite all right. We have contingency funds for such events. You might want to apologise to Alice for sending her sprawling. I understand her rump is quite bruised - along with her dignity." Barbara glances towards the door to the balcony. "I've had a word with Sgt Ischa about her guards' discipline. We don't want them shooting off their crossbows over a little drunken foolery in the Hall. Dead men - or girls - are bad for business."

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GM: It will take 200gp and a month's labour to get the farm, which some are now calling 'Leth* Hall', back in a good state again. It is not in terrible condition but the roofs are leaking in several places. Good thing you're doing it now before the winter storms. OOC: *BTW Leith Hall is a real place near the Cabrach, the real-life part of Scotland I base the D'Ashe Manor environs on. Abandoned due to harsh winter + deaths in the Great War, as opposed to the Wolf Winter &amp; the Vaasan War. :) Geoff said: Simon N. said: WhiteValyrian said: "Sir Norrin and Lady Barbara it seems this room here in the Festhall is getting too crowded so I'm thinking to move out from the manor when we get more riches from the dwarven forges"&nbsp; "There is an abandoned farm on the southeast of D'Ashe Manor where I plan to build a home for me and 'The Ladies', but as it's under Lady Barbara's domain, I wish for permission to build on the farmland when I acquire the necessary funds."&nbsp; &nbsp; Barbara smiles warmly in response. "That is an excellent notion, Prince Strohm. I gladly grant you this permission." Barbara may be particularly happy at the thought of Strohm &amp; his harem no longer taking up one of the best rooms on the Manor's lower floor! Grinning broadly, Norrin clasps Strohm's arm firmly. "Welcome to the joys of land ownership, Strohm!" he says. Ever since reclaiming D'Ashe Manor, he's wanted nothing more than for the lands around the festhall to be re-settled and to become productive once again. In time, perhaps a small village will spring up, with a smithy and an ox-mill or windmill for the grain. He looks to Hommlet as an example -- Rufus and Byrne have done well for themselves, and set a good precedent.
Simon N. said: In the dining room where Barbara does her accounts and daily business, she regards Erasmus with raised eyebrow. "It's quite all right. We have contingency funds for such events. You might want to apologise to Alice for sending her sprawling. I understand her rump is quite bruised - along with her dignity." Barbara glances towards the door to the balcony. "I've had a word with Sgt Ischa about her guards' discipline. We don't want them shooting off their crossbows over a little drunken foolery in the Hall. Dead men - or girls - are bad for business." "Your understanding is appreciated, Lady Barbara. I will go and see Alice at once." Erasmus approaches Alice who doesn't look too happy to see him. "Alice, please forgive my clumsiness last night. I understand from Lady Barbara that you were injured? Please, if this leads to any difficulty in... um... conducting your business... er... be sure to let me know. I would not want you to suffer more than you have already."
Tim M. said: "Your understanding is appreciated, Lady Barbara. I will go and see Alice at once." Erasmus approaches Alice who doesn't look too happy to see him. "Alice, please forgive my clumsiness last night. I understand from Lady Barbara that you were injured? Please, if this leads to any difficulty in... um... conducting your business... er... be sure to let me know. I would not want you to suffer more than you have already." Alice Cooper regards Erasmus, rubbing her sore bottom a little ostentatiously. "You should be more careful, Brother Erasmus sir."
Simon N. said: Alice Cooper regards Erasmus, rubbing her sore bottom a little ostentatiously. "You should be more careful, Brother Erasmus sir." "Indeed I should. Here, take this as compensation for your inconvenience and to cover any loss of earnings." Erasmus hands Alice 6gp, representing 3 day's earnings.
Alice smiles, clearly mollified. :) "Thank you kindly, Sir." Tim M. said: Simon N. said: Alice Cooper regards Erasmus, rubbing her sore bottom a little ostentatiously. "You should be more careful, Brother Erasmus sir." "Indeed I should. Here, take this as compensation for your inconvenience and to cover any loss of earnings." Erasmus hands Alice 6gp, representing 3 day's earnings.
Fraener raises his mead horn. “That is a kind and generous offer, Lady Mirna. For it is miners and craftsmen that Khundrakar will need more than soldiers. We will be glad to trade for your fine fare once my friends and I have made the place safe.&nbsp; Torag, I’m sure is a fine man but I am not looking to fill my halls with wild warriors. I want it to be a home where families will feel safe to settle.&nbsp; Flint Rockwood I shall mention to my friends. They are a brave and noble bunch and I’m sure would not leave this good Dwarf to fight evil alone. I know I won’t.&nbsp; You are a fine leader and you have built something worthwhile here, Mirna. If I can achieve as much I will consider my life well spent. I hope one day, by Moradin’s grace, I can repay your kindness in my own hall and show you the beauty of the Glitterhame.” He likes and admires this fine woman to push his point further. Blessed with a face like the top of an anvil he rarely gets to spend quality time in the company of such a one as Lady Mirna Norsdottir. What a Queen she would have made.&nbsp;
Chris T. said: Fraener raises his mead horn. “That is a kind and generous offer, Lady Mirna. For it is miners and craftsmen that Khundrakar will need more than soldiers. We will be glad to trade for your fine fare once my friends and I have made the place safe.&nbsp; Torag, I’m sure is a fine man but I am not looking to fill my halls with wild warriors. I want it to be a home where families will feel safe to settle.&nbsp; Flint Rockwood I shall mention to my friends. They are a brave and noble bunch and I’m sure would not leave this good Dwarf to fight evil alone. I know I won’t.&nbsp; You are a fine leader and you have built something worthwhile here, Mirna. If I can achieve as much I will consider my life well spent. I hope one day, by Moradin’s grace, I can repay your kindness in my own hall and show you the beauty of the Glitterhame.” He likes and admires this fine woman to push his point further. Blessed with a face like the top of an anvil he rarely gets to spend quality time in the company of such a one as Lady Mirna Norsdottir. What a Queen she would have made.&nbsp; Lady Mirna Norsdottir smiles for the first time. "You have a different approach to your grandsire, it seems. I hope that we may become firm allies, and friends. Let us drink to the birth of Fraener's Hall." The other dwarves at the long table join in with enthusiasm, raising their mead horns: "Hear, hear!"
GM: After the feast the dwarves retire for the night. The next day on the way back to D'Ashe Manor, Fraener's follower Duergath tells Fraener that during the feast, one of Mirna's warriors told him rumours of evil rising in the Moonfog Hills to the south of Dwarfstead - Orcs, yes, but worse things too, Ettins and Hill Giants even. And many of them seem strangely ...warped. Nothing has attacked Dwarfstead or its sheep herds, but human refugees fleeing north have brought tales of horror. The local manor lord Milo Malthen seems to be doing little to stop the attacks, caring only that the Mistwood mithril mine remain open.
"Syrus my friend can I ask you for a favor I'm planning to build a herb garden in the future with Lady Beverly and I could use your help to teach her more about Herbalism, with an improve knowledge she can cultivate more herbs and you can get a steady supply to make potions"&nbsp; "I even pay you for the classes 1 gold coin per class every weekday for maybe 9 weeks, Yeah I believe that's enough"&nbsp;
Syrus' mentor in teaching him Herbalism: Old Tul the Healer Old Tul Tul the Healer lives in a hut by the south bank of the Stone Stream, across the river from Moravin Priory. There he tends his herb garden, fishes in the Stream, and feuds with his old rival&nbsp; Argyn &nbsp;upriver. A crochety old fellow, he is undoubtedly a master of the herbal arts, and will train others (albeit under protest). Some say he was once a Moravin Friar himself; in any case he has long since given up the travelling life. Tul denies having any great powers of magic, but certainly nothing seems to threaten his peaceful abode.
WhiteValyrian said: "Syrus my friend can I ask you for a favor I'm planning to build a herb garden in the future with Lady Beverly and I could use your help to teach her more about Herbalism, with an improve knowledge she can cultivate more herbs and you can get a steady supply to make potions"&nbsp; "I even pay you for the classes 1 gold coin per class every weekday for maybe 9 weeks, Yeah I believe that's enough"&nbsp; Syrus is still learning herbalism himself (Beverly knows more than he does - she already has the proficiency) but Strohm could send Beverly along with Syrus for instruction from Old Tul. Note that while studying for her advanced degree in Herbalism she won't be making Strohm potions (or other benefits). :)
If Torag or any of the dwarves from that area are present in the hall at any time, Erasmus would like to have a chat with them. If they are not present, on one of his trips out, he would like to visit them to find out what, if anything, they know about the dragon; where they go, what their hunting patterns are like, etc. Actually looking for clues as to where it's lair may be, without actually asking for that information directly.
ooc yeah maybe not send Beverly for training this week as she was making potions for Strohm and Eramus maybe when we leave again for adventure then I send her for training.&nbsp;
Tim M. said: If Torag or any of the dwarves from that area are present in the hall at any time, Erasmus would like to have a chat with them. If they are not present, on one of his trips out, he would like to visit them to find out what, if anything, they know about the dragon; where they go, what their hunting patterns are like, etc. Actually looking for clues as to where it's lair may be, without actually asking for that information directly. Erasmus finds Torag in the Hall meeting with a couple merchants, and takes him aside. Torag: "Aye, we seen it. The Mercellin ain't happy about it stealing their gold! I've tripled the guard on our mines. It ain't taking what's ours without a fight!" Torag considers the question. "It comes from the west - down from Fang Mountain. Got a cave up there, I reckon. Up above the snow line, most likely."
WhiteValyrian said: ooc yeah maybe not send Beverly for training this week as she was making potions for Strohm and Eramus maybe when we leave again for adventure then I send her for training.&nbsp; You'll probably want her escorted to Tul's hut?
Simon N. said: Erasmus finds Torag in the Hall meeting with a couple merchants, and takes him aside. Torag: "Aye, we seen it. The Mercellin ain't happy about it stealing their gold! I've tripled the guard on our mines. It ain't taking what's ours without a fight!" Torag considers the question. "It comes from the west - down from Fang Mountain. Got a cave up there, I reckon. Up above the snow line, most likely." "Thank you, Torag. I'll be sure to check in with the Mercellins." OOC Not sure how he'd be able to, but Erasmus would like to find out from the Mercellins (probably from Sumata if she's available at all, or a letter to Ravensburg) exactly what was taken from them by the dragon. He'll also try to reassure that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Tim M. said: Simon N. said: Erasmus finds Torag in the Hall meeting with a couple merchants, and takes him aside. Torag: "Aye, we seen it. The Mercellin ain't happy about it stealing their gold! I've tripled the guard on our mines. It ain't taking what's ours without a fight!" Torag considers the question. "It comes from the west - down from Fang Mountain. Got a cave up there, I reckon. Up above the snow line, most likely." "Thank you, Torag. I'll be sure to check in with the Mercellins." OOC Not sure how he'd be able to, but Erasmus would like to find out from the Mercellins (probably from Sumata if she's available at all, or a letter to Ravensburg) exactly what was taken from them by the dragon. He'll also try to reassure that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. GM: Sumata has gone on to Ravensburg with her convoy that had gold &amp; a pony taken from it by Raising-Death. You can write to her or go visit, probably after Saturday's session.
Simon N. said: GM: Sumata has gone on to Ravensburg with her convoy that had gold &amp; a pony taken from it by Raising-Death. You can write to her or go visit, probably after Saturday's session. Good to know. Erasmus will do that during next downtime. That is everything for him this week then, I think. Except for some more heavily implied but never actually seen intimacy with Jyrdani. Obvs. ;)
*as Beverly has finished the last potion of Healing Strohm leave the D'Ashe Manor on his carriage with Beverly to Tul hut south to&nbsp;&nbsp;Moravin Priory* *When they arrived at Tul Hut* "Master Tul i am Sir Strohm of Leth and I wish to bring Lady Beverly under your tutelage"&nbsp; "As you know I'm willing to pay for your services how is 1 gold coin per class sound like?" &nbsp;
WhiteValyrian said: *as Beverly has finished the last potion of Healing Strohm leave the D'Ashe Manor on his carriage with Beverly to Tul hut south to&nbsp;&nbsp;Moravin Priory* *When they arrived at Tul Hut* "Master Tul i am Sir Strohm of Leth and I wish to bring Lady Beverly under your tutelage"&nbsp; "As you know I'm willing to pay for your services how is 1 gold coin per class sound like?" &nbsp; GM: Strohm &amp; Beverly reach the riverbank opposite Tul's hut by carriage D'Ashe-Egilmont-Blackraven-hut, a journey of some 26 miles. After some shouting across the river, you attract the old man's attention from his herb garden. "What? Another one? Yes yes, very well!" Tul rows a rather decreipt rowboat across the Stone Stream to your side with surprising swiftness. He casts a beady eye over Beverly Courana. "Well young lady! You ready to work hard ?" Beverly gulps and nods. A quick interview establishes that the cost will be 45gp for 9 weeks instruction. Tul sighs: "Very well then. Leave her with me."
On the way back from Tul's hut that afternoon, while passing through Egilmont a well-dressed older woman comes out from the manor house to hail him. "Please Sir Knight! I beg you, stop and listen!" The woman explains she is Lady Daetha Carlin, wife of Sir Rodney Carlin, the local lord of the manor. "You are the elven knight who serves Lady D'Ashe? Please, I beg your aid. Last night the Troll attacked the village - took a sleeping child from her bed! My husband has gone into the swamp after it, despite all my pleas! I beg you, fetch your companions and find my husband before the Troll slays him, too!" Daetha Carlin
"A Child capture by a hideous Troll worry not Lady Daetha I will gather my friends and comrades, together we will slay the Troll"&nbsp;
WhiteValyrian said: "A Child capture by a hideous Troll worry not Lady Daetha I will gather my friends and comrades, together we will slay the Troll"&nbsp; Daetha: "My deepest thanks. If you can save my husband I will be forever grateful."
Rem you can grant others Inspiration if they can see/hear you, and that anyone who posts in character during downtime starts the session with an extra stackable Inspiration.
Can inspiration grant advantage on death saves?&nbsp;

Edited 1615759911
Tim M. said: Can inspiration grant advantage on death saves?&nbsp; Yup! A Death Save is a Save, and so can have Inspiration as normal, and Save bonuses as from a ring of protection or a high level Paladin <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. From <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Death Saving Throws Whenever you start your turn with 0 hit points, you must make a special saving throw , called a death saving throw, to determine whether you creep closer to death or hang onto life. Unlike other saving throws , this one isn't tied to any ability score. You are in the hands of fate now, aided only by spells and features that improve your chances of succeeding on a saving throw. Roll a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. A success or failure has no effect by itself. On your third success, you become stable (see below). On your third failure, you die. The successes and failures don't need to be consecutive; keep track of both until you collect three of a kind. The number of both is reset to zero when you regain any hit points or become stable. Rolling 1 or 20. &nbsp;When you make a death saving throw and roll a 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. If you roll a 20 on the d20, you regain 1 hit point. Damage at 0 Hit Points. &nbsp;If you take any damage while you have 0 hit points, you suffer a death saving throw failure. If the damage is from a critical hit, you suffer two failures instead. If the damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum, you suffer instant death. ___________ The one thing to watch out there is that bonuses don't affect the results of a 1 or 20, and you need a natural 20 - 20 on the d20 - to wake up. So a Pal-6 with CHA 18 gives +4 to the death saves of those nearby while she is conscious, but they still only wake up on a 20 &amp; take 2 fails on a 1. BTW I've seen a PC use Inspiration on a death save and roll 1-1 - it was clearly her time. &gt;:) You can grant Inspiration as normal to someone making a death save - I require they have to be able to hear you yell "Come on! Don't die on me!" or words to that effect. :D
Good to know, thanks&nbsp;
Simon N. said: Rem you can grant others Inspiration if they can see/hear you, and that anyone who posts in character during downtime starts the session with an extra stackable Inspiration. oh sweet i have another inspiration :D
Not sure how I missed this one. If Fraener hasn’t led us to certain death already, he can try again here. Anything to impress the fair Lady Mirna of Dwarfstead!&nbsp; Simon N. said: GM: After the feast the dwarves retire for the night. The next day on the way back to D'Ashe Manor, Fraener's follower Duergath tells Fraener that during the feast, one of Mirna's warriors told him rumours of evil rising in the Moonfog Hills to the south of Dwarfstead - Orcs, yes, but worse things too, Ettins and Hill Giants even. And many of them seem strangely ...warped. Nothing has attacked Dwarfstead or its sheep herds, but human refugees fleeing north have brought tales of horror. The local manor lord Milo Malthen seems to be doing little to stop the attacks, caring only that the Mistwood mithril mine remain open.