And it went fantastic . We played the Breakout mini campaign in the back of the players guide, and with most of the players never having played before, Roll20 really stepped up and helped us all learn. I usually play D&D 4th Edition with Roll20, so trying out a system without maps, grids, or tokens was kind of scary. I thought that maybe it wasn't the point of Roll20 and we would be better off using another program, but we decided to stick with it instead and man did it pay off. Here is our map from the game tonight. Being able to create boxes, pull dice directly from the chat box for effects and having a visual Doom Pool really helped us learn what we needed to learn. One other thing I want to mention is the ability to chat as a character. It was invaluable for this game, as people could speak as their hero or their secret identity without any confusion. We did most of our roleplaying in the text box and talked rules on Skype, so it helped a lot to keep people relaxed and roleplay characters they may not even be familiar with. All in all this experience made me appreciate Roll20 even more than I did before, and thought I would share how great this thing works even for more roleplay focused games.