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Next Game Will Be | Tuesday March 18 12:00AM UTC (2 days ago) |
Total Players Needed | 100 |
Game Type | Role Playing Game |
Frequency | Played Every Other Week |
Audio / Visual | Voice only |
Primary Language | English |
New Players are Welcome | Yes |
Mature Content(18+) | Yes |
Pay to Play i | $20/session |
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The person running this game has chosen to make it available for any player to join. Please remember that your safety and comfort are always paramount on Roll20, so you may always choose to leave if this group does not work for you. |
taibhsear#7908 on discord or Email me at
Fist of the Dawn
The fist will rise in the east and set in the west.
The fist will be blistered by cold and scorched by fire.
The fist will be tempered by battle and branded by hate.
Group 1 Backstories:
Kenny - Cleric of Lathander: Your family owns a small farm in the northern prairies. Your three older brothers were killed in the war with the orcs. You enlisted just before they died because the war was going so poorly, and you wanted to serve and protect your lands.
Your oldest sibling, your sister Gilny, had married a barrister and lives in the town of Myrehall. She has three children and is expecting a fourth. You haven't talked to her since you enlisted over a year ago. She knew your brothers had gone missing in action and feared the worst. She was wrong but soon after they were found, their position was overrun, and no one survived. Their bodies were never recovered.
She was sure you were going to your death and it was a very heated fight. Fortunately, just after you made it to the frontlines, Emenathemar sued for peace and against all odds, the orcs agreed. It was a very one-sided treaty, but the orcs have upheld their end so far.
Paul - Druid of Lathander: You were a ward of a druid outside of Daggerglade. Your master was killed before the war formally began in a raid. You managed to escape the battle and enlisted as a scout to help push the orcs back.
By the time you finished your basic training, your territory had been completely overrun and you were stationed with The Embers of the North company south of Myrehall. It was a defensive company tasked with protecting the town. It wasn't until reinforcements arrived that your company moved into an offensive position and started to march south into the forest conquered by the orcs.
Your company was very successful and stabbed deep into the orcs west flank. Your skills contributed greatly to this advancement and may have been part of the reason the orcs were willing to negotiate a truce.
After the treaty was signed, The Embers were disbanded and most of the new recruits were not reassigned. You returned to your grove but there was nothing left. You've been wandering the countryside for the last nine months.
Tansen - Paladin of Lathander: By far the most experienced warrior of the group, you were one of the few soldiers who survived the sacking of Daggerglade. You were ordered to escort the civilians to the capital when the war first broke out.
Your family was wiped out in the first raid. Your section was the first on the scene and pushed the first wave of orcs back, but it was too late to save anyone from the initial raid. After you delivered the civilians safely to the capital you were recruited into the church sponsored company tasked with defending Myrehall, the most tactical position for the orcs to strike. Controlling the bridge would allow them to swarm into the north from the hills to west.
Once Myrehall was secured, The Embers of the North company marched to the south east to engage the open flank of the southern orc horde stabbing toward the capital. It was hard choice to abandon Myrehall but there hadn't been any sign of attack from the river and the horde was moving, unchecked, across the south.
Your section managed to cut off a small group of orcs and slaughter them before the main group realized there was a breach which allowed your company to position itself between the advancing horde and their supply train. It was a risky maneuver as you could have easily been flanked by the two groups, but the orcs pressed on and the supply train was poorly guarded.
Attacking the supply train was also a difficult choice but it was the belief that the horde would be crippled without their supplies and unable to mount an effect assault on the capital. It is unknown if this was the deciding factor, but the cease fire was called shortly after the first ambush on the supply train.
Jesse - Fire Domain Mage of Lathander - By far the least combat capable member of the group, you began your career as an arcanist by winning an apprenticeship with Master Karron "The Seer" Vaele in Myrehall. It was an incredible opportunity for an orphan from the capital and an excellent way to evade the charges against you.
Unfortunately, working all day to earn your keep was less than satisfying so when The Royal Arcane Academy announced fast-tracked training for military recruits, you fled Karron's Tower and headed back to the capital without considering the legal consequences of that choice.
The crown was willing to overlook your past indiscretions since you were already enlisted but they marked you and claimed they would reinstate your charges and add desertion to the list if you didn't serve your duty.
As it turned out, fast-tracked training was more work than doing chores in the tower but you completed it just in time to join the last platoon leaving for Myrehall. The thought of returning to your old master's home town was unpleasant but you were unlikely to encounter him as he would be safe behind the town walls and you would be on the outside facing the orcs.
You arrived just in time to rest and then head out as part of the vanguard of the assault on the orcs. Your company was very successful but just as you were cutting off the orcs supply line, the treaty was signed.
Soon after, The Embers of the North were disbanded and you had nowhere to go. You feared returning to the capital on the off chance they changed their mind about your charges and Myrehall seemed like a terrible idea as well so you've been working for a group of mercenaries who escort caravans. It's boring and the pay is awful but it's better than going hungry.
Joe - Scout of Lathander - You were part of the final group of troops trained for the war but unlike the others, you were conscripted into service. As the eldest son, you were expected to volunteer but the idea of charging into battle with a horde of orcs didn't sound appealing. As a result, you put it off as long as possible and you were finally served with notice to appear for assignment just before the war ended.
After your training was complete, your mission was to take your section and catch up with The Embers of the North company sweeping south east from Myrehall. You did manage to catch up to them but the cease fire had been declared by that point so you were just waiting for the outcome of the negotiations before the war ended.
After the war you were reluctant to return home as you were one of the few men from your fishing hamlet not to volunteer for service. You've been serving The Iron Hammer mercenary company with the arcanist from your military company.
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