Playing | |
Next Game Will Be | Wednesday March 22 9:00PM UTC (8 years ago) |
Total Players Needed | 6 |
Game Type | Role Playing Game |
Frequency | Played Weekly |
Audio / Visual | Voice only |
Primary Language | English |
New Players are Welcome | Yes |
Mature Content(18+) | Yes |
Pay to Play i | No |
Pick Up Game i | No |
Hey everyone. I'm going to be DMing a game soon and want to have between 4 and 6 players.
Before I go into the world I wanna say my rules of the game. Time has yet to be decided but it will happen Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. My preference is Wednesday
1. Don't be a dick.
I don't mind rule lawyers but please know that if I screw something up mechanically wise, don't bog down the game, just let me know what I made a mistake on and we will go from there.
Don't read the monster manual while we are playing. I have 4 different Monster manuals I go off and I tune, reskin or give extra abilities to monsters.
Don't metagame. I'm not playing to win. I understand there always will be some amount of metagaming. But your party doesn't have a hive mind and know everything everyone else knows. I'm not super harsh on this but I don't like it when it is a habit at the table.
You need to be sure you can play every week. I want to play till at least late May if not longer if we can manage it but life happens. If you drop more than two games I'm gonna talk to you and make sure everything is okay.
Be willing to work with me and the other players. Talk to me if there is an issue about something in the game or about a person.
You have to have a way for me to get in contact with you easily, I.E. your phone number or facebook or skype or something. I'd prefer your phone number so I can text. I'll only call you if you're not on 5 minutes before we start
I use this site for a character sheet, I'll walk you through how to use it if you have questions but it is super easy for me. You have to create one of these. Stats are rolling or point buy. if you want to roll. roll when I'm there.
I'll be meeting everyone before we start one on one to discuss your character.
About me:
I'm 22 years old. I've been Dming for about a year now. I have a basic concept of the rules and I usually am friendly on loot. I'm in college at the moment. My name is Jack. I've played World of Warcraft going on 10 years now and I even have over a year of play time on a single character. (Mage)
About the world.
So the world is Called Erin. Here is a picture
You start off in the material plane somewhere of my choosing. Erin is a world where all planes connect connect to each other. Meaning, you can find a place to enter the heavens, abyss, plane of water etc. if you know where to look. As such, other planes hunger for power and influence in the world. Eris is basically a neutral ground for all planes. Another word I would describe my world is "Fantasy Land" Elves, druids, orcs, dragons, angels, demons, devils and so on all inhabit it.
My DM style:
I want players to have agendas of their own, I want you to further your character without having me hold your hand to do it. I've built a world not necessarily for you, it is a living, breathing world as some say and things happen that don't directly have things to do with you. If you want stop or join what is going on is up to you.
The first session is railroaded just to get you guys together.
I do EXP based levels, I've done different exp before and I think this is the best for my style of DM.
I --->HIGHLY <--- classes from the player handbook. Just makes my life so much simpler.
I don't do party pvp against each other. if you try and kill another player I'm not going to let that happen. I don't like a lot of the times when party members use their skills on one another because it can cause hostility especially between strangers.
I also have everyone write a short backstory. One page should be enough if there is more thats fine but don't have the most interesting thing about you already happen. Like you solo'd a tribe of orcs and shagged the princess they kept captive cause you forgot a rubber for instance. I have everyone introduce their characters at the start so everyone has an Idea about who they're playing with.
Either PM me or leave a topic with this stuff in it.
Character name:
Class, are you going to multiclass?:
Experience with 5e:
What type of player are you? what do you like to do in the game? Don't be a murder hobo please.
TLDR. I'm looking for ~6 players. I prefer Wednesday afternoon pacific standard time ~2pm. PM if you have questions, PM. Post and app in the forum somewhere i'll find it. OR PM me. I don't care either way.
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