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Mami (she/her)

t Member since 08/09/15 \/ G GM of 31 games \/ 5702 Hours Played \/ 1258 Forum Posts

Mami Pierre (She/Her)

A little about me. The name Mami (mah’mee) is my rpg gaming name. I am a married African American Transwoman (I'm mainly of Bontu ethnicity, though my ancestry also includes Iberian, European and Asian ancestors). A Professional Referee, US Army Veteran, parent, videogame player (mainly third person shooter games), role-player, wargame player, of the LGBT community, and much more. A native of California, my goal is to bring joy and entertainment running tabletop role-playing games (ttrpgs). I wish to dedicate my life to working with the hobby I have loved since I was a child any paid games, I run helps me to be able to provide the best gaming experience I can.

I am a Dungeon Master/Game Master that has been running games off and on since the early 80s. I like many referees began my gaming as a player. The first game I played was Champions (1st Edition, by Hero Games). I went on to play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (1st edition), then Marvel Superheroes (Basic Set). Within 6 months I began running games as a DM for the Dungeon and Dragons (Basic set, the red box). As time went on, I would delve into many games from different publishers. I have played and run an assortment of tabletop Roleplaying games in the many years leading to our present time. I have played or ran over one hundred different games in my lifetime.

I tend to run games rather than playing as a player. I just love to run games much more. But I will play in games from time to time if the GM/DM runs a balanced game of Roleplaying and combat (or leans more to roleplaying than combat). The players of a game often give me much information about the referee. I know that referees with great imagination, a good understanding of their games rules, setting and campaign, and the ability to referee a game with a variety of player types is often easy to find based on the entire troupe of the game (the players and referee). These traits are also what I strive to keep in my own game as it is the type of game/groups I most enjoy.

When it comes to gaming rules, I tend to stay with the rules as written more than some heavily modified homebrewed game. My reason is to have games that a player who has taken the time to learn the basic rules and setting can easily join any sessions I run.

My goal in ttrpgs is to dedicate my time to running games, teaching games, and entertaining players.

I do not like power gaming (but I understand some players need to min/max their characters) this is just not my style and I often restrict my players from meta-gaming. When it comes to running campaigns, I always try to mention all the important information players need to create characters and help players with developing their backstory prior to the first session.

All my games are LGBTQI+ friendly. Every player must be respectful to one another (including to the GM). Discrimination, harassment, bullying/trolling, etc on anyone for whatever reason/excuse is not allowed in my games. This carries over to communications outside of gaming. Real world politics and religion is not allowed in my games as well. These general rules are a part of all my games. If you play in any of my games, prior to character creation and your first session you are required to read the Code of Participation, Referee Expectations, and Player Expectations. These are all house rules that are enforced at all time. My goal is to make the game sessions I run entertaining and enjoyable for everyone regardless of our differences. Gaming in my opinion is a place for fun.

I run Paid (full length Campaigns) and some free games (usually for one-shots, tournaments and/or a short adventure that usually will not run beyond a few sessions). The funds help offset the gaming expenses and keep business running. Online I use Roll20 for my gaming, using all the features for a Pro. I also include music, tokens, dynamic lighting, etc. If a game is a Paid game, it will be listed as well as the Fee amount.

Contact: You can PM me for any questions or concerns, or to get a list of my standard rates
alternate Contact email:

Mami (DM/GM for hire)

Enjoys Playing
AD&D ( 1st Edition and 2E ), AEG ( Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea ), Anima: Beyond Fantasy, Cyberpunk 2020, D&D 3.5, D&D 5E, Exalted, GURPS, HERO Games ( Champions ), Hackmaster, Iron Kingdoms, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Other Games, Palladium Games, Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... ), Warhammer ( Fantasy, 40k, Wrath & Glory...), World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... )