Greetings! I am an old. I got started gaming with the D&D red elmore cover boxed set back when I was 12, that puts it at about 85, so I've been gaming for a while. I DM'ed most of that time, but also played a fair amount. Most flavors of D&D, shadowrun since it hit (I had a friend who ditched school at lunch to go get the book and read it so he could run us after school the day it came out.) Starwars, V:TM, Cyberpunk2020, Gurps, WH40K, WHFB, WHFR, etc... I used to work for both Games Workshop and WOTC stores back in the day. I had a dry spell for a while, but roll20 and new games like dungeon world, pathfinder, and Apocalypse world have lit a fire under my butt and I'm itching to play again. I traditionally run low fantasy campaigns, but I'm trying to be more open-minded and explore things. I am currently running a game, but I'm looking to play in a few to see how others play, others GM and use roll20. Thanks for reading and hopefully I will see you in a game soon!