tl;dr I'm a Reliable & Creative Role Player of 40+yrs LFG of M20 & D&D5e to Play Weekly.
Here's a brief version of a very lengthy & extensive TTRPGing career Playing more Games than I can even begin to recall:
I've been playing D&D & various other TTRPG's on & off since the Basic Redbox from 1983 including all the D&D editions, Palladium Rifts, WoD (Mage, Vampire, & WereWolf, altho I far prefer M20 above all else), Amber: Diceless RPG, Mythus: Dangerous Journeys (Gary Gygax's post-TSR Game), HERO/Champions, & tons I'm sure I've forgotten about, not even counting the Board Games like HeroScape, Star Wars: Monopoly or Lord of the Rings: Risk that I enjoy.
As a former high school Theatre kid & later a professional DJ/MC, I particularly enjoy the Voices, Accents, &c. of Role Playing. As a former Mental Health Worker, I really enjoy Role Playing my PC's World Views & Motivations, &c.
PLZ let me know if you have room in your Party, & I Look FWD to hearing from you soon.
THX so much for reading this far, & I hope we both find a perfect fit for our next Game!