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Luke H. (NineThree)

t Member since 01/20/16 \/ G GM of 6 games \/ 991 Hours Played \/ 4 Forum Posts

Ahoy, ahoy! Name's Luke and I've been enjoying TTRPGs for over 8 years now. I've recently dipped my toes into GMing and have also remained as a player in a homebrew world going on 3 years here on Roll20. TTRPGs have given me a great creative outlet and escape from the daily 9-5 grind of work.

The aspects I enjoy most are role-playing and building a story/world with a group of people. Combat is always fun, but getting to know a character for their flaws, likes/dislikes and motivations gives me a connection to the others at the table and fills that sense of community that i'm looking for. I never want to overshine any other players at the table, and genuinely enjoy becoming a part of their story and inviting them to be a part of mine.

Enjoys Playing
D&D 5E
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E