I've GMd quite a bit in the past and done some big development projects for local groups. I was once a co-creator and organiser of a monthly convention style game in Sydney that was often getting 30+ people in attendance. It ended mostly because we needed a third major DM and keeping someone around to run a big long story arc was just proving too hard to manage.
I'm currently writing "The Chosen One" Campaign and have a bunch of other bits and pieces on the Marketplace. Have a look here for my stuff... https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/search?keywords=&sortby=popular&type=all&genre=all&author=Andrew%20Chirgwin
You can find me on... if you don't want to send me a message here.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HalflingGypsy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HalflingGypsyRPG/
Also check out the great stuff done by Vanderforge, who contributes/contributed a lot of the art for "The Chosen One" campaign. https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/search/?keywords=&sortby=popular&type=all&genre=all&author=Fernando%20Dominguez
Now I'm just looking to play a bit in my evenings around my two young kids.