I have been a StoryTeller since I was 16 years old. I am now on my 28th year of gaming as of this post.
My love for gaming began with the Battletech Board game, along with the Mechwarrior RPG. The Longest Campaign I have run, lasted 6 years. Since that time, most of my campaigns last for 2 years before completion.
After learning how to become a Storyteller at a basic level, I was introduced into the World of Darkness. My Favorite being Vampire the Masquerade. I played that for a number of years as a LARP, then moved to some stories on Table top.
Primarily for the last 10 years I have been running D&D 3.5. I am now on my 5th Campaign in my world. I continue to love the game and I never stop learning how to improve my StoryTelling Abilities.