My name is Brian, I will be playing the DM...
Back in Middle School one of my friends introduced me to a game called Dungeons and Dragons, or at least he had seen someone play it once. We cobbled together some sort of a really roughspun home brew system and I DMd on that for 3-4 years with the neighborhood kids. I later played a game or two of A,D&D or what they now call 2nd edition... until life got in the way.
Now I am on a quest to become a legendary DnD guy (not even sure what that is). I try to set the characters up for success and aim to create an environment where PCs can be heroes. I am not the sort of DM that has a story they want to tell. I enjoy improv DMing and discovering your story with you as events shape themselves around the heroe's actions.
I have really gotten sucked back into the hobby this year. I frequently watch Youtube videos about DMing and Playing D&D. I follow several live play podcasts, and the official D&D one. When I get a chance, I like to read Dragon magazine on my phone. So it is pretty much all D&D all the time