"All writing is rewriting." -John Green
A quote that I actively enjoy keeping to. While I like to think I have made original campaigns and characters in the past, I'm not against pulling things from other media and pop culture, like my RIFTS gunslinger character Flint Darkwood.
While I have possibly 10 years in D&D, in which I've played both 3.5e and 5e, in total I probably have 12 or so years as a role player, as well as over 4,000 hours and almost 200 forum posts in roll20. While I really enjoy D&D and generally fantasy type games, I am also interested in other rpg systems and am more than willing to try something new or different.
As far as the type of character I like to play, I started in D&D playing a Half-Elf Druid, but over the years I've learned that I enjoy playing more Fighter and Barbarian type characters. That said, I'm not opposed to playing spellcasters at all; I simply don't play them as well as some others might.