Hi, my name is Tomas (nick Torm) and I'm 27 years old gamer from Czech Republic.
I have been interested in RPG games since I was a little kiddo. Back then I was all about 'Dračí doupě' which is Czech version of D&D (similiar rules, mostly focused on d6 instead of d20). During high school I had other hobbies so I gave up on Tabletop RPG games, but nowadays with raising popularity of D&D (most likely due to Critical Role) I started paying more attention to D&D 5e.
Now I have run Hoard of the Dragon and Rise of Tiamat campaing with my friends (I was the GM) and then I played several other games with friends I made here on Roll20 (Most notable was game of Elysium, homebrew world created by talented Johnnie W., which we played for over a year with epic climax when my fighter took on 1v1 against Nightwalker so my friends can escape after we defeated powerful Lich and his minions; spoiler alert Blink spell is OP!).
Nowaday I'm no longer a part of any gaming group due to my real-life commitments, but I'm still paying attention to LFG tool in case some game peak my interest :)
Also small note I did most of the work on Czech mutation of this website :)