I started playing D&D just a little bit in 1987 but I really started gaming by playing tons and tons of Palladium all through high school. I have played tons and tons of other games through the years. Right now I am loving the new D&D (5th ed.).
I am fairly new to D&D but I ran my friends in this campaign out of the starter set. We kind of stumbled through it together. While I am new to D&D 5th I have years of playing and running tons and tons of RPG. Most of my experience has been with the Paladium fantasy games but I have also run Ninjas and Superspies, TMNT, and Rifts in the same system. I have also played and run tons of Star Wars, GURPS, DC and Marvel, and tons of other stuff.
Sundays work best for me.
I am willing to run D&D5th for groups.