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Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
t Member since 04/20/13 \/ G GM of 414 games \/ 24607 Hours Played \/ 23421 Forum Posts

I've been playing RPGs since 1978. I started with OD&D, AD&D1 and Traveller. I have played Hero, GURPS, Savage Worlds, D&D5e and many others. I am an illustrator/cartographer in the RPG industry with several hundred publishing credits.

I was a moderator on the Roll20 forums until the job was outsourced. I am currently a Forum Champion, which basically means I go around helping folks. In 2019, I became a Marketplace Creator. As of 2020, I am also a contractor for Roll20 for module conversion.

Enjoys Playing
AD&D ( 1st Edition and 2E ), D&D 5E, GURPS, HERO Games ( Champions )