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t Member since 07/29/16 \/ G GM of 2 games \/ 560 Hours Played \/ 30 Forum Posts

I have been DM'ing a 5E campaign for around a year now. And have roughly 2 years of experience of 5E total. Out of all the D&D systems I have interacted with I am finding it the best balance of difficulty and mechanics. While 2nd ed was brutal fun, THACO was just brutal. 3.5, was great, but got way too bogged down there at the end. And let's not talk about 4th ed and the million hour battles....

I tend to love the numbers and the systems in games, though I am quite happy to role play, and I find 'in town' can often be more fun than hack-n-slash if you have the right group. As a DM I love doing the voices, though getting in to character relies on the type of group that we end up in. So I might drop the voices as a player, haha.

That said I'm after a group of people that aren't going to take things too seriously and a DM that is willing to roll with the punches. As a DM I find the game simultaneously the most fun AND the most frustrating, when my PCs find all kinds of ways around the sure fire death traps that I have setup for them. Haha.

I prefer my own characters front line. Having most enjoyed Barbarians, Avengers and Battleminds. I'm not adverse to taking hits and dishing them out. I'd love the challenge of a ranged glass cannon though. If I had to guess, healing/support would be my weakest link.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm open to anything and not easily offended. So drop on by and say hello!

I'm 32. My favourite colour is Forest Green. Favourite animal is the Mongoose. And I make a mean burrito (amongst lots of other food). I also brew, though sharing a beer would be difficult electronically.

Enjoys Playing
Board Games ( Settlers of Catan, Chess... ), D&D 5E
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E