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Caio Viel

t Member since 05/05/13 \/ G GM of 39 games \/ 9527 Hours Played \/ 196 Forum Posts

Brazilian gradschool student.

RPG-Live Streamer at:
Recorded Sessions at:

-- Rise of the Runelord (Pathfinder)
-- Curse of the Crimson Throne (Pathfinder)
-- Skull & Shackles (Pathfinder)

-- Jade Regent (Pathfinder)
-- Hell's Rebels x Hel's Vengeance (Pathfinder)
-- Tempestade Derradeira (Tormenta + Pathfinder)
-- Boku no Hero Academia (Mutants and Masterminds 3E)

-- Kingmaker (Pathfinder)
-- Wraith of the Righteous (Pathfinder)
-- Scion
-- Black Crusade (Warhammer 40K)

Follow me on twitter @caioviel

Enjoys Playing
13th Age RPG, Cypher System Games ( Numenera, The Strange... ), D&D 3.5, Dungeon World, Mouse Guard RPG, Mutants and Masterminds, Pathfinder, Warhammer ( Fantasy, 40k, Wrath & Glory...)