Playing pen&paper RPG's for half my life, I started with AD&D in the late '90 and switched fast to D&D 3E, 3.5 and finally came to Pathfinder. I tryed Paranoia, GURPS, Arcane Codex and Vampire with along reading Shadowrun books and playing DSA, Baldurs Gate, Neverwinternights and other RPG's and MMORPGs on the Computer.
My first long time character was a human bard. That was truely fun and I even today remember a lot of this campaign. Since then I tryed many different character types with enjoying dwarfs a lot. In my opinion some of the fun in roleplay games comes form the experience of a new role and the imagination of prior unknowen. Even today I try to enhance my experience in new settings and characters with a distaste and incompetance in the evil corner. For me roleplaygames are about having fun together telling a great story.
I started to GM in about 2001 with D&D and Pathfinder and hopefully have improved my skills since then. My first contact with sort of VTTs was a Skype group as I moved far away from my original gaming group for studies. Until recenly I found more modern VTTs like Roll20 and I am excited to stay in playing contact with gamers when someone moved for some reason, learn about new onse form far far away and even meet with my local gaming group for session of short time issue, illness or in time of troubbled time tables.