Roleplaying, to me, is about having fun. About telling a story together.
We sit down at the table, virtual or not, and we create a world to explore together. The GM sets the atmosphere and the scene with his descriptions and the players do their very best to breathe life into their characters.
Results vary, of course, but whether it's Monthy Python or Becket it's very seldom boring :)
Maybe it's just my own rich imagination, maybe it's rose-tinted glasses or maybe I've been genuinely lucky to have really good groups to play with, but ever since I was 13 roleplaying has been my favourite hobby and has given me endless hours of fun.
I'm very well familiar with D&D 2nd, 3.5 and 5th edition, as well as pathfinders 1 and 2. I've played some Star Wars and some world of darkness. I'd love to play more sci-fi, I feel like that holds some unexplored ground for me. Games like Coriolis or Eclipse Phase.
Throughout my roleplaying career I've always tended to play big, brawny, large-and-in-charge types of characters. Lately I've started experimenting with all sorts of other types of characters, and I must say that scary as it can sometimes be, expanding your comfort zone is a lot of fun.
I've got a fair bit of experience as a GM, and I always strive to make maximum use of the advantages offered by roll20. Features such as dynamic lighting, macros, animated backgrounds and APIs for group initiative, shapechanging and so on.
I'm perfectly willing to GM for your group in exchange for modest pay - 8$ per group per hour of play as long as we're playing a pre-written module. If you want me to write a campaign especially for you and your group we'll have to negotiate price - that involves a lot more work.
I'll GM any system, but if it's one I don't own you might have to provide the relevant books.
I own books for:
D&D 5E
D&D 3.5
EON (Swedish roleplaying game)
Pathfinder 2nd edition.
My availability both for playing and for GMing is extremely flexible.
I am fluent in English and Swedish.