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Asha L.

t Member since 11/13/16 \/ G GM of 85 games \/ 7879 Hours Played \/ 850 Forum Posts

Been playing D&D on and off for roughly eighteen years now, since I was 13. I've had some very minimal experience with AD&D 2E, which is the system I was introduced to D&D with, but it wasn't until my group converted to 3E and 3.5 that I started to truly understand the game mechanics and went from being a casual player to someone a bit more, er, obsessed.

After a long break from tabletop gaming, I was hooked once again in late 2015 when I discovered 5E. I found out about Roll20 the following year, and have since been involved in many games on this platform as both a DM and a player.

Enjoys Playing
D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, D&D 5E
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E