I used to be called "Vinny M."
Late 20s, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer with a masters in Conflict Transformation (whatever that means) working in international trade and food aid... or at the least really just something to keep me satisfied until the men come to chuck me into the cuckoos nest.
Maawatek Ilokano, ngem.... bassit na lang... Tagalog met lang x)
I joined this at the behest of my friend back when literally nobody was here (I have "Imported PM 307" in my inbox still, to give you an idea), and i love all the change since.
Don't let the "GM of 24 Games" fool you!!! I'm only running 3 games, having had to put the rest "down" over time and due to my work overseas. I just don't want to delete those campaigns and lose all that world material/roll20 info for later uses.
I can play games pretty much anytime us night except Tuesday and Friday.
I prefer political/rp campaigns and lots of just casual conversation in between sessions, though a minimum level of explosions, decapitations, and otherwise visceral imaginations (the likes of which excitable boys the world over wake up with visions of) must simply be maintained. Put it down at 70/30. But really I'm down for whatever (except erp, cause that ain't me). I am often absent-minded, but I love the companionship of others. Been playing d&d for about 16 years now, DM'd for thirteen of those. I often do open-ended campaigns, and have a lot of material for such.
If anyone needs help with DM issues, world-building, or plot generating I can certainly be of use. If I cannot find an answer my friend (30years old, 25 years played, fourteen years DM) can. He basically has all of AD&D, 3, 3.5e, and most homebrew online memorized. He is the technical mechanics knowledge to my abstract world-building knowledge. (Well he was... He's in jail now for attempted murder... think you know a guy and then, well... shrug)
Feel free to chat anytime.
Also, I have all the 3.5e books plus everything except the dragon magazines in pdf format. For those that are curious. And if you got the Warren Zevon reference you should shoot me a pm cause you are clearly a cool cat that I would want to meet :)
P.S. I've started a persistent-world campaign in my own DnD 3.5e/Pathfinder setting. I have the world map and a lot of general lore. I need 2-4 more DMs in total I think, with an aim to have a session available for any player to get their rpg in. If you are interested in DMing in such a setting, or in helping to create lore/mechanics for such a setting, please get in touch with me and we can talk about stuff.