I'm Australian, AEST (GMT+10, except during daylight savings, woohoo!). I've been known to GM a few games, but I mostly enjoy playing. I enjoy the storytelling aspect of RPGs more than the mechanical, though that's fun too.
I like to create interesting characters that are unique without being garish, and who play consistently. I've played concepts such as a paranoid schizophrenic paranormal investigator-turned-vampire in VtM, a swashbuckling magus with a smart-talking intelligent whip in PF, and a tiny adorable asian girl (who nobody really realised was a psychopath until it was too late) in VeloCity. That last one was one of my favourites to play, mostly because I successfully played what was essentially a chaotic evil character without destabilising or overly clashing with the rest of the decidedly non-evil party. And it was fun for everyone involved. Good times.
I tend to prefer rules-light systems so the rules don't get in the way of telling a good story, my favourites being savage worlds and cortex (though savage worlds has usually been aided by my legion of macros in MapTool automating everything for us). I have also been fairly impressed by the streamlining in D&D5e, which I am very happy to join a game for. I am, however, open to other systems as well - I have played in WFRP, PF, Shadowrun (only experienced with 4th edition, and it wasn't a traditional SR game), oWoD, and a few others - I'm happy to play almost anything that isn't overly convoluted (or, like pathfinder, has good online resources) with a GM that is interested in telling a good story. :)