Enjoys Playing
A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Card Games ( Poker, Magic... ), Cortex ( Firefly, Serenity, Battlestar, Supernatural ), Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Cyberpunk 2020, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, D&D 5E, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), GURPS, Iron Kingdoms, Mutants and Masterminds, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... ), Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... ), Traveller ( Any Edition ), World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... )
Actively Seeking Group For
3D&T ALPHA, A Song of Ice and Fire, A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Board Games ( Settlers of Catan, Chess... ), Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Cortex ( Firefly, Serenity, Battlestar, Supernatural ), Cyberpunk 2020, D&D 4E, D&D 5E, Dragon Age RPG, Fallout, Fantasy AGE, GURPS, Iron Kingdoms, Mutants and Masterminds, Other Games, Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... ), Traveller ( Any Edition ), World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... )