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t Member since 08/04/13 \/ G GM of 152 games \/ 13461 Hours Played \/ 73 Forum Posts

Right now I am playing Starfinder a lot. I run AP's on roll20 and SFS Organized play but AP are my jam.

I am also an old DnD player (AD&D 1st edition and up)

I love the Pathfinder 1st Edition and maybe my favorite flavor for fantasy based RPG's.
Other games I have played and wish to play more. Shadowrun, Mechwarrior, Battletech, Rifts, GURPS, Fate Systems (Dresden RPG)

I enjoy a good story and people to share it with.

Enjoys Playing
AD&D ( 1st Edition and 2E ), D&D 3.5, D&D 5E, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), Pathfinder, Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Starfinder