Enjoys Playing
13th Age RPG, Apocalypse World System ( The Sprawl, Monster Hearts... ), Big Eyes Small Mouth, Board Games ( Settlers of Catan, Chess... ), Card Games ( Poker, Magic... ), Cypher System Games ( Numenera, The Strange... ), D&D 3.5, D&D 5E, Dungeon World, Earthdawn ( Any Edition ), Exalted, Feng Shui, Godbound, Mutants and Masterminds, Paranoia, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Second Edition, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... ), Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... )
Actively Seeking Group For
Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... )