I am a currently seeking adventure within the realms. I am available on Saturdays and Sundays, and Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Avid gamer with a love for detail and story, I have a longing for face to face table games that I has been limited by life and work. Roll20 provides the closest experience for the price!
I have vast experience with D&D and Pathfinder, but am looking for other games to broaden my enjoyment. Palladium Rifts and TMNT, Star Wars (West End, D20, and Saga), World of Darkness games and D20 Modern have also been enjoyed in the past.
Having had no constant gaming group for the last 20 years has lead me to rely heavily on rules sets. This had lead to me being a bit of a rules lawyer (at least to the point of addressing what the documents say) that can be persuaded to ignore or even change a rule that seems disproportionate to the situation. A strong home group would help out with this a lot.